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3.0 prep: Remove all wtforms.ext packages
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These have been deprecated for a while, and they're finally going to
go bye-bye.

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crast committed Dec 16, 2015
1 parent 23dd8d9 commit c49ecfb
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Showing 44 changed files with 46 additions and 3,916 deletions.
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions .coveragerc
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@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
include =
omit =

exclude_lines =
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14 changes: 0 additions & 14 deletions .travis.yml
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Expand Up @@ -7,21 +7,7 @@ python:
- 3.4
- pypy

- DJANGO="Django<1.5"
- DJANGO="Django<1.6" SQLALCHEMY="SQLAlchemy<0.10"
- DJANGO="Django<1.6" LOCALFLAVOR=django-localflavor SQLALCHEMY="SQLAlchemy<0.8"
- DJANGO="Django<1.7" LOCALFLAVOR=django-localflavor SQLALCHEMY="SQLAlchemy<0.9"

- python: 3.3
env: DJANGO="Django<1.5"
- python: 3.4
env: DJANGO="Django<1.5"

- "pip install -r tests/test_requirements.txt ."

script: "coverage run tests/ --with-pep8 --force-all"
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions docs/
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Expand Up @@ -54,9 +54,9 @@ def _fix_import_path():
# other places throughout the built documents.
# The short X.Y version.
version = '2.1.1'
version = '3.0'
# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
release = '2.1.1dev'
release = '3.0dev'

# There are two options for replacing |today|: either, you set today to some
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311 changes: 8 additions & 303 deletions docs/ext.rst
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.. module:: wtforms.ext

WTForms ships with a number of extensions that make it easier to work with
other frameworks and libraries, such as Django.
.. deprecated:: 3.0
All WTForms extensions were removed in WTForms 3.0
See below for replacements

.. module:: wtforms.ext.appengine

WTForms includes support for AppEngine fields as well as auto-form
generation from models.

.. deprecated:: 2.0
``wtforms.ext.appengine`` is now deprecated, and will be removed in
WTForms 3.0. For an appengine module that will continue to be updated,
see `WTForms-Appengine`_

.. _WTForms-Appengine:

Model Forms
.. module:: wtforms.ext.appengine.db

See the module docstring for examples on how to use :func:`model_form`.

.. autofunction:: model_form(model, base_class=Form, only=None, exclude=None, field_args=None, converter=None)

Datastore-backed Fields
.. module:: wtforms.ext.appengine.fields

.. autoclass:: ReferencePropertyField(default field arguments, reference_class=None, get_label=None, allow_blank=False, blank_text='')

.. autoclass:: StringListPropertyField(default field arguments)

.. autoclass:: GeoPtPropertyField(default field arguments)


WTForms includes support for NDB models and can support mapping the
relationship fields as well as generating forms from models.

.. autoclass:: KeyPropertyField(default field arguments, reference_class=None, get_label=None, allow_blank=False, blank_text='')

.. module:: wtforms.ext.appengine.ndb

.. autofunction:: model_form(model, base_class=Form, only=None, exclude=None, field_args=None, converter=None)

.. module:: wtforms.ext.dateutil
.. module:: wtforms.ext.dateutil.fields

For better date-time parsing using the `python-dateutil`_ package,
:mod:`wtforms.ext.dateutil` provides a set of fields to use to accept a wider
range of date input.

.. _python-dateutil:

.. autoclass:: DateTimeField(default field arguments, parse_kwargs=None, display_format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')

.. autoclass:: DateField(default field arguments, parse_kwargs=None, display_format='%Y-%m-%d')

.. module:: wtforms.ext.django

This extension provides templatetags to make it easier to work with Django
templates and WTForms' html attribute rendering. It also provides a generator
for automatically creating forms based on Django ORM models.

.. deprecated:: 2.0
``wtforms.ext.django`` is now deprecated, and will be removed in
WTForms 3.0. For Django support that will continue to be updated,
see `WTForms-Django`_

.. _WTForms-Django:

.. module:: wtforms.ext.django.templatetags.wtforms

Django templates do not allow arbitrarily calling functions with parameters,
making it impossible to use the html attribute rendering feature of WTForms. To
alleviate this, we provide a templatetag.

Adding :mod:`wtforms.ext.django` to your INSTALLED_APPS will make the wtforms
template library available to your application. With this you can pass extra
attributes to form fields similar to the usage in jinja:

.. code-block:: django
{% load wtforms %}
{% form_field form.username class="big_text" onclick="do_something()" %}
**Note** By default, using the `{{ form.field }}` syntax in django models will
be auto-escaped. To avoid this happening, use Django's `{% autoescape off %}`
block tag or use WTForms' `form_field` template tag.

Model forms
.. module:: wtforms.ext.django.orm

.. autofunction:: model_form(model, base_class=Form, only=None, exclude=None, field_args=None, converter=None)

:func:`model_form` attempts to glean as much metadata as possible from
inspecting the model's fields, and will even attempt to guess at what
validation might be wanted based on the field type. For example, converting
an `EmailField` will result in a :class:`~wtforms.fields.StringField` with
the :class:`~wtforms.validators.Email` validator on it. if the `blank`
property is set on a model field, the resulting form field will have the
:class:`~wtforms.validators.Optional` validator set.

Just like any other Form, forms created by model_form can be extended via

UserFormBase = model_form(User)

class UserForm(UserFormBase):
new_pass = PasswordField('', [validators.optional(), validators.equal_to('confirm_pass')])
confirm_pass = PasswordField()

When combined with :meth:`form iteration <wtforms.form.Form.__iter__>`,
model_form is a handy way to generate dynamic CRUD forms which update with
added fields to the model. One must be careful though, as it's possible the
generated form fields won't be as strict with validation as a hand-written
form might be.

ORM-backed fields
.. module:: wtforms.ext.django.fields

While linking data to most fields is fairly easy, making drop-down select lists
using django ORM data can be quite repetitive. To this end, we have added some
helpful tools to use the django ORM along with wtforms.

.. autoclass:: QuerySetSelectField(default field args, queryset=None, get_label=None, allow_blank=False, blank_text=u'')

.. code-block:: python
class ArticleEdit(Form):
title = StringField()
column = QuerySetSelectField(get_label='title', allow_blank=True)
category = QuerySetSelectField(queryset=Category.objects.all())
def edit_article(request, id):
article = Article.objects.get(pk=id)
form = ArticleEdit(obj=article)
form.column.queryset = Column.objects.filter(author=request.user)
As shown in the above example, the queryset can be set dynamically in the
view if needed instead of at form construction time, allowing the select
field to consist of choices only relevant to the user.

.. autoclass:: ModelSelectField(default field args, model=None, get_label='', allow_blank=False, blank_text=u'')

.. module:: wtforms.ext.sqlalchemy

This extension provides SelectField integration with SQLAlchemy ORM models,
similar to those in the Django extension.

ORM-backed fields
.. module:: wtforms.ext.sqlalchemy.fields

These fields are provided to make it easier to use data from ORM objects in
your forms.

.. code-block:: python
def enabled_categories():
return Category.query.filter_by(enabled=True)
class BlogPostEdit(Form):
title = StringField()
blog = QuerySelectField(get_label='title')
category = QuerySelectField(query_factory=enabled_categories, allow_blank=True)
def edit_blog_post(request, id):
post = Post.query.get(id)
form = BlogPostEdit(obj=post)
# Since we didn't provide a query_factory for the 'blog' field, we need
# to set a dynamic one in the view. = Blog.query.filter( == request.user).order_by(
.. autoclass:: QuerySelectField(default field args, query_factory=None, get_pk=None, get_label=None, allow_blank=False, blank_text=u'')

.. autoclass:: QuerySelectMultipleField(default field args, query_factory=None, get_pk=None, get_label=None)

Model forms
.. module:: wtforms.ext.sqlalchemy.orm

It is possible to generate forms from SQLAlchemy models similarly to how it can be done for Django ORM models.

.. autofunction:: model_form

.. module:: wtforms.ext.csrf

.. deprecated:: 2.0
wtforms.ext.csrf is deprecated, as CSRF is now provided as a part of
the core of WTForms. This module exists as-is for backwards compatibility
and will be removed in WTForms 3.0. See the :doc:`CSRF Docs <csrf>`.

The CSRF package includes tools that help you implement checking against
cross-site request forgery ("csrf"). Due to the large number of variations on
approaches people take to CSRF (and the fact that many make compromises) the
base implementation allows you to plug in a number of CSRF validation

CSRF implementations are made by subclassing
:class:`~wtforms.ext.csrf.form.SecureForm`. For utility, we have provided one
possible CSRF implementation in the package that can be used with many
frameworks for session-based hash secure keying,

All CSRF implementations hinge around creating a special token, which is put in
a hidden field on the form named 'csrf_token', which must be rendered in your
template to be passed from the browser back to your view. There are many
different methods of generating this token, but they are usually the result of
a cryptographic hash function against some data which would be hard to forge.

.. module:: wtforms.ext.csrf.form

.. autoclass:: SecureForm

.. automethod:: generate_csrf_token

.. automethod:: validate_csrf_token

Session-based CSRF implementation

.. automodule:: wtforms.ext.csrf.session


First, create a SessionSecureForm subclass that you can use as your base class
for any forms you want CSRF support for::

from wtforms.ext.csrf.session import SessionSecureForm

class MyBaseForm(SessionSecureForm):
SECRET_KEY = 'EPj00jpfj8Gx1SjnyLxwBBSQfnQ9DJYe0Ym'
TIME_LIMIT = timedelta(minutes=20)

Now incorporate it into any form/view by further subclassing::

class Registration(MyBaseForm):
name = StringField()

def view(request):
form = Registration(request.POST, csrf_context=request.session)
# rest of view here

Note that request.session is passed as the ``csrf_context=`` parameter, this is
so that the CSRF token can be stored in your session for comparison on a later

.. autoclass:: SessionSecureForm

A provided CSRF implementation which puts CSRF data in a session. Must be
subclassed to be used.

**Class Attributes**

.. attribute:: SECRET_KEY

Must be set by subclasses to a random byte string that will be used to generate HMAC digests.

.. attribute:: TIME_LIMIT

If None, CSRF tokens never expire. If set to a ``datetime.timedelta``,
this is how long til a generated token expires. Defaults to

.. module:: wtforms.ext.i18n

.. deprecated:: 2.0
I18n extension is now deprecated in favor of using the built-in locales
support on the form.

.. module:: wtforms.ext.i18n.form

.. autoclass:: Form
* ``wtforms.ext.appengine`` was extracted to `WTForms-Appengine <>`_
* ``wtforms.ext.csrf`` was integrated into WTForms
* ``wtforms.ext.django`` was extracted to `WTForms-Django <>`_
* ``wtforms.ext.i18n`` was integrated into WTForms
* ``wtforms.ext.sqlalchemy`` was extracted to `WTForms-SQLAlchemy <>`_

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