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This is an utility replacing the official graphical Qt installer. It can automatically download prebuilt Qt binaries for any target (you're not bound to Linux binaries on Linux; you could also download iOS binaries). It's working with Python > 3.5 on Linux, OS X and Windows. It is required to install 7zip utility in your platform.
Same as usual, it can be installed with pip
$ pip install aqtinstall
General usage looks like this:
aqt [-h][--help][-O | --outputdir <directory>][-b | --base <mirror url>][-E | --external <7zip command>] \
[--internal] install <qt-version> <host> <target> [<arch>]
python -m aqt [-h][--help][-O | --outputdir <directory>][-b | --base <mirror url>][-E | --external <7zip command>] \
[--internal] install <qt-version> <host> <target> [<arch>]
- The Qt version is formatted like this: 5.11.3
- Host is one of: linux, mac, windows
- Target is one of: desktop, android, ios (iOS only works with mac host)
- For android and windows you also need to specify an arch: win64_msvc2017_64, win64_msvc2015_64, win32_msvc2015, win32_mingw53, win64_mingw73, android_x86, android_armv7
- You can also use internal 7zip extractor instead of external 7zip command.
- You can specify external 7zip command path.
python -m aqt [-h][--help][-O | --outputdir <directory>][-b | --base <mirror url>][-E | --external <7zip command>] \
[--internal] tool <host> <tool_name> <tool-version> <arch>
- tool_name is one of tools_ifw, tools_vcredist, and tools_openssl.
- arch is full qualified tool name such as
The Qt packages are installed under current directory as such Qt/<ver>/gcc_64/ If you want to install it in C:Qt as same as standard gui installer default, run such as follows:
C:\> mkdir Qt
C:\> aqt install --outputdir c:\Qt 5.11.3 windows desktop win64_msvc2017_64
Example: Installing Qt 5.12.0 for Linux:
pip install aqtinstall
sudo aqt install --outputdir /opt 5.12.0 linux desktop
Example: Installing Android (armv7) Qt 5.10.2:
aqt install 5.10.2 linux android android_armv7
Example: Install Install FrameWork(IFW):
aqt tool linux tools_ifw 3.1.1
Example: Install vcredist:
C:\ aqt tool windows tools_vcredist 2019-02-13-1
C:\ .\Qt\Tools\vcredist\vcredist_msvc2017_x64.exe /norestart /q
Example: Install OpenSSL:
C:\ aqt tool windows tools_openssl 1.1.1-1
Example: Show help message
aqt help
There are no limitation for CI platform but currently it is tested on Azure Pipelines.
This program is distributed under MIT license.
Qt SDK and its related files are under its licenses. When using the utility, you are considered to agree upon Qt licenses. For details see Qt licensing and Licenses used in Qt5
This program is originally shown in Kaidan project as a name qli-installer. A project aqtinstall extend the original to run with standard python features with Linux, Mac and Windows, to be tested on CI platform, and to improve performance with a concurrent downloading.