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Sevan Janiyan edited this page Jan 5, 2025 · 5 revisions

Bottles are especially helpful for Tigerberw users since build times are so slow. We generally try to provide bottles for at least G4 Tiger, and may also build bottles for other platforms. Since we use "or later" bottles, G4 bottles will also be installed for G5 users if there are no G5-native bottles. Here's the steps for creating bottles that are usable by you and other users.

  1. Set HOMEBREW_DEVELOPER=1 in your environment. This will be necessary for some of the later commands, but it's also useful in general if you're going to be doing Tigerbrew dev work.
  2. Install the formulae one at a time. (Don't let Tigerbrew install dependencies for you; this way, it's easier for you to make sure that every formula is built with the correct settings.)
  3. For each formula you're bottling, run brew install $name --build-bottle --bottle-arch=g4. (You can substitute a different architecture for --bottle-arch if building for something other than G4. Specifying it is good if you're building on G5 for an older architecture. See OPTIMIZATION_FLAGS in Library/Homebrew/os/mac/hardware.rb for possible values --bottle-arch will accept, compiler willing.)
  4. After installation, run brew test $name, and then brew linkage $name to make sure it didn’t link against non-specified dependencies. (brew linkage will warn about indirect dependencies that come from other packages in the tree. Those are safe to use; you can check the full dependency tree using brew deps --tree $name to make sure.)
  5. Run brew bottle to generate the bottle file. At the moment it fails to preserve the arch info, so it assumes the arch you built for is the host arch; if building for something other than your native architecture, you'll need to manually rename it to put the correct arch in the filename. e.g from xvid-1.3.7.tiger.bottle.tar.gz to xvid-1.3.7.tiger_altivec.bottle.tar.gz.
    At some point it would be useful to fix this.
  6. The bottles are then uploaded using the commandline internetarchive Python tool. This can be installed using pip3 from the python3 formula.
  7. Finally, once the bottle is uploaded, run brew fetch $name and brew reinstall $name to make sure it installs properly. It may take a few minutes for the bottle to become available after being uploaded.
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