Hi there 👋
- 🎉 I’m currently working on helping company get to production faster. I've got a github repository group about Spring Tips & Cloud Native projects , Reactive Spring, my weekly blogs, my code (you're already here!), and more.
- 🥕 I’m currently learning LLM & Agentic Framework(s).
- 💡 I’m looking to collaborate on Spring and its adjacent communities.
- ⌨️ I’m looking for help with continuous delivery, YAML, Java, Kotlin, Golang, Rust, etc.
- 💬 Ask me about Spring and cloud native, reactive architectures.
- 🌐 How to reach me: I'm on Twitter (@misselvexu). This's the best way. There's also e-mail 💌[email protected].
⚠️ Pronouns: he/him/they Are you looking for a repository you saw mentioned somewhere?