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Geochemical comparison of igneous data from Hawaii and Southern California using machine learning.

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Comparing Igneous Geochemical Data from Hawaii and Southern California via Machine Learning

Miro I. Manestar , Germán H. Alférez, Benjamin L. Clausen

🏫 School of Computing, Southern Adventist University, PO Box 370, Collegedale, TN, 37315, USA.

🏫 Geoscience Research Institute, 11060 Campus Street, Loma Linda, CA, 92350, USA.

Corresponding author(s). E-mail(s): [email protected]

Contributing authors: [email protected], [email protected]


Bi-plots are commonly used in geochemical analyses. However, their use can be- come cumbersome in the case of multi-variate analyses. Therefore, this paper explores the application of unsupervised machine learning techniques, specifically PCA and K-Means, to analyze large geochemical data sets from two distinct ge- ological regions, Hawaii and the Peninsular Ranges Batholith (PRB) in Southern California. The IBM Foundational Methodology for Data Science was utilized to ensure proper data preparation and analysis. PCA provided dimensionality reduc- tion, revealing which features correlated most strongly with variances within the data. K-Means clustering allowed for deeper interpretation of the data. The anal- ysis yielded valuable insights into the composition and differentiation of magma and rocks from the two regions. Future work should include a deeper analysis of the clusters and a determination of how geochemical plots relate to underlying geochemical processes.

Keywords: Geochemistry, PCA, K-Means, Machine Learning, Hawaii, Peninsular Ranges Batholith (PRB)


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Geochemical comparison of igneous data from Hawaii and Southern California using machine learning.







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