This repository contains the data and crosswalk analysis for the paper "Towards the Interoperability of Scholarly Repository Registries," which examined the data models of four prominent registries with the aim of classifying their properties and overlaps. The analysis presented and the corresponding data were downloaded in February 2023 and thus reflect the data model in use at that time.
- DATA: This folder contains the data from the FAIRsharing, re3data, OpenDOAR, and ROAR repository registries as of February 2023.
- DOC: This folder contains the crosswalk analysis of the data models for FAIRsharing, re3data, OpenDOAR, and ROAR registries, as of February 2023.
- CODE: This folder contains Python scripts used to determine the coverage of each property in the four analyzed registries. It also includes scripts for mapping the fields of the four analyzed registries to the common data model.
- CommonModel: This folder contains the mapping in the common model for the four registries