---------- Assigment 1 VCE - Creating a chat ----------
LOGIN: When executing the html file a login form will show containing a option to enter username and room.
WEBCHAT: Once the login is done the webchat will appear, with 4 sections:
Top left: Your own info with you avatar (initially default) and your username
Bottom left: The room, with the chat avatar and the preview of the last message (The layout was thought to be able to add more private chats but this is not implemented)
Top right: The chat information with chat pic and name
Bottom right: The webchat itself with 3 sections --> Top: if there are previous messages in the room when you join, a prevois messages button will appear and if clicked it will show the previous messages. --> Middle: the chat where text bubbles appear with username, text and date. At midnight a bubble with todays date will appear. --> Bottom: the input section to type and send your messages
CHANGE AVATAR: If you click on top of your own avatar a window will appear with 4 possible new avatars. The one you select will become your own avatar.
I've used different types of messages to transmit information to all the users in the room, message history, avatar changes...