Conventions, device/application input configuration files, device programming software, and hardware abstraction software for comprehensive physical and virtual reality user interface solutions.
You probably want the installer (which generates other files and includes ubcp) not just this repository by itself.
Precomputed application startup parameters are documented under spreadsheet "param.ods" .
Template checklist layout.
Same order as application settings and/or procedures.
Color warnings of expected quality or performance degration.
Drop-down alternative selections.
Alternative settings and peripherials included along with data and recommendations.
Automatic load calculation as a fraction of previous maximum-resolution long-term test results.
Angular resolution estimation.
Beware SteamVR by default imposes a 4096 '...upper bound on the calculated resolution' set under 'steamvr.vrsettings' file.
As appropriate...
- Disable MSW 'Hardware GPU Scheduler' (aka. 'HAGS') . Suspected of causing severe VR performance degradation or artifacts.
Generic guidance for developing new control systems is provided by "commonControlScheme.odt" diagram, also available as "commonControlScheme.pdf".
Specifications of all controls and conventions are available from "referenceImplementations.odt" diagram, also available as "referenceImplementations.pdf".
Typical layout and assignments historically assigned to legacy systems are documented under conventions tab of spreadsheet 'commonControlScheme.ods' . Some information on reference implementations for some variants are also included. Beware this spreadsheet is increasingly obsolete, with only the "Commands" page remaining more current than the more efficient diagrams.
Other conventions may also be worth integrating with or in addition to.
- Bailey's VoiceAttack Profiles OSB Keybindings
- 0.020 - Key Press/Release
- 0.120 - Menu/PTT
- 0.200 - Typical
- 0.500 - DANGEROUS
Start relevant scripts and programs as needed.
Clone repository recursively to "C:\core\infrastructure\extendedInterface" . Ensure permissions are set appropriately. Copy configuration files to application directories as needed.
JoystickGremlin XML files may be loaded directly or placed in "%USERPROFILE%\joystick gremlin" .
VoiceAttack profiles may be imported through the program GUI.
Only hardware and software currently under evaluation or in production use may have an up-to-date configuration following the most modern conventions and matching application input configuration files.
DCS World - FA18C, F16C, A10C, F5E, F14B, AV8B, P51D, KA50, F15C, F22A, A10C, SU33, MIG29
- DCS Waypoint Editor
- Grinnelli Designs F-22A Raptor Mod
- DCS Shader Mod Remove some shaders to pass integrity check and improve forward compatibility.
- Systernals DebugView - Shows progress and errors compiling shaders.
Elite Dangerous
JoystickGremlin v13.3
WhiteKnight Auto-Whitelister for HidCerberus
vJoy v2.1.9.1
VoiceAttack v1.7.8
MS SideWinder Force Feedback 2 (SFB2)
ThrustMaster TWCS Throttle (T16KTR_TH, T16KJG_TH)
Other hardware and software is compatible with the conventions. Configuration files available may be correct, mostly correct, and/or adaptable by text editing. Occasional corrections may be provided as conventions are developed and tested.
Descent Freespace
EVE Valkyrie
Descent (D2X)
Thurstmaster T.A.R.G.E.T
Thrustmaster T16000M FCS HOTAS (T16KTR_ST & T16KTR_TH, T16KJG_ST & T16KJG_TH)
Some hardware and software has not been found compatible.
- Universal Control Remapper
Some additional software and hardware is strongly recommended.
'DCS-to-GPS 1.3' -
'com0com' -
'nircmd' -
Shared memory file, double or triple buffered.
*) VJoy
*) Device 1, 2, 3, 4
*) Axes - All
*) Buttons - 32+/-, <128
*) First device, 32buttons. Then, 31, 30, 29.
*) Only buttons 1-24 to be used by vehicle/tool.
*) Always reserve last six buttons for comm/out-of-band control/signaling.
*) Devices 3-4 last six buttons used for out-of-band.
*) POV Hat Switch
*) Continious
*) POVs 1
*) Force Feedback - All
*) Force Feedback
Most likely, force feeback support will need to be native. VJoy and similar would only be used for button mapping, not axis mapping.
SimFFB, and possibly other software, apparently depends on the ordering of 'controller' devices. To reorder these devices as needed, remove them as required with the 'Bluetooth and other devices settings' panel. Removing the Force Feedback joystick, followed by physical reconnection, may be sufficient.
Steam, SteamVR, and related apps, frequently are updated to versions which may break some use cases, particularly those relying on VR access to the physical desktop. Offline mode, and the related workaround to prevent a dialog box about offline mode, may be a solution.
SteamVR may require some settings files to be edited before full resolution may be obtained. This has not been consistent, and is still under investigation.
Modeling of existing systems as closely as possible may be accommodated by placing external functionality on dedicated wearable board(s).
Head/Chin/Chest/Arm/Knee Switch Boards Aux Comms VR/AR Align/Zoom Helmet Imaging (Goggles, Binoculars) Tactile Interface (North-Paw like Fail-Active IFR Backup providing some of Pitch/Roll/Heading Turn/Slip Climb RAlt/BAlt TAS/CAS/AOA Homing/ILS) Alarm (Indepdendent Lound Warning if AutoPilot Disengaged, Maneuver Drift, or Collision Risk) Panels (AR Desktop Computer Displays, Keyboard, Mouse)
Batch files may be used natively (eg. to control SteamVR, run sequences of support software, etc), unusually. Nevertheless, some batch files here are anchor scripts. Do NOT assume a batch file does or does not point to a bash shell script function - look at the code of the batch file.
See included LICENSE files.
Various short sound clips '_ref/sound_clips/_thirdparty/' .
*) Some Joystick Gremlin profiles have not been updated for T16000M Stick support. *) Some variants require controls diagrams.
*) F14 RIO controls may only be partially implemented.
*) F5E pitch dampers probably should be bound to TH-1 O_M, although this emerging 'convention' may be 'BAD MISUSE' .
*) Some variants may not have correct keybindings for smoke control. *) Some variants probably should have Flare/Chaff O_D controls.
*) Some variants may require cleanup of unused HOTAS controls. In particular, 'mode', 'lift', 'autothrust', 'stabilization', 'autopilot' controls.
*) Base 'hat' may or may not be rotated one position counter-clockwise.
*) KA50 controls - sensor, emitter, autopilot, waypoint. *) AV8B autothrust.
All content in this folder not owned by other authors, and also not under the '_lib/coreoracle' or '_lib/coreoracle-msw' subdirectories, is intended to be public domain. Other copyright notices may be provided as templates. See license.txt for details.
For the license applied to coreoracle code, for details, see both of whichever exists of '_lib/coreoracle/license.txt' and '_lib/coreoracle-msw/license.txt' . Essentially, a GPLv3 license is applied, with strictly limited exceptions available. "Helmet-Mounted Display Design Guide" - Richard L. Newman and Kevin W. Greeley - '3 November 1997' "Helmet-Mounted Display Symbology and Stabilization Concepts" - Richard L. Newman - 'June 1995'
f 'Settings App → System → Display → scroll down to Graphics Settings → Turn "Hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling" to Off' Possible benefit seems negligible, +/-1% . 'vivetool /enable /id:44776738 /priority:test /store:both'
microsoft/winget-cli#1536 '--accept-package-agreements' '--accept-source-agreements'