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💎 Clojure(script) REPL interaction tool for neovim.

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🔥 replica.nvim

Also currently alpha quality, I use this for development and will update this notice when I think it's ready for others to try out for their own workflows.

A REPL interaction tool for neovim.

🎯 Features

Written in Lua, this project aims to be simple in terms of features:

  • REPL interaction via neovim's command line with :Eval <code> and :Eval with visual mode.
  • Automatically attempt to connect to an nREPL (based on .nrepl-port)
  • include REPL access
    • include REPL history
    • readline controls (or at least persist user set bindings) e.g C-a/e
  • REPL interaction via the buffer with fireplace-style normal mode keys e.g cpr cpp
    • cpp eval/print last or current sexp
    • cpn connect to an nrepl (via .nrepl-port)
    • cpr reload namespace and run tests
    • cpR hard reload namespace and run tests
    • cm cqq cqp cqc <C-R(?
  • Self-contained package, no external dependencies that make this hard to use
  • :Doc <search_term>
  • Omni-completion
  • Support for multiple REPLs e.g Clojure & Clojurescript.
    • Test support for both shadow-cljs/figwheel
    • Support for a .dir-locals.el style file for project specific commands like Emacs.
  • Require on save
    • option to disable this
  • Make sure TODOs/XXX are documented and addressed before v1 release!
  • when all are addressed, remove tick boxes!

Non-Requirements (some are likely going to be put into parengage):

  • elastic parens (e.g creating closing parens)

For lisp editing see vim-sexp or the sister project for Replica: parengage.nvim

To reduce the amount this plugin has to do, we use cider-middleware to support some of our functions (which ones?) needs expansion

  • LSP is good for doc/K, maybe have simple info and recommend a setup for that instead?
    • neovim lsp client + clojure-lsp does a good job. but certain things are missing
      • e.g hovering K on figwheel/stop-all does not show the docs for this
    • Problem here is that clojure-lsp won't pick up dependencies for aliases, so if you include them in say client for client stuff then you're stuffed.

❔ Why?/FAQs

Why Neovim?

  • Reason #1 is the busted/plenary testing framework which you can use to drive a real neovim instance, to help prevent broken plugins.
  • Lua is slight easier to program in than VimL but not by much, we're really here for the testing framework!

Why another Vim REPL plugin?

  • fireplace.vim is an awesome tool, (as is acid/conjure/iced.vim) but fireplace is really nice to use. We want to have a plugin like it, that can also take advantage of a solid testing framework and asynchronous editor architecture that allows us to interact with cider in ways that weren't that practical before (though we don't do that yet!)

🦾 Installation

You can install this plugin using packer or any of the other great plugin managers, here's an example for packer:

  use 'mikepjb/replica.nvim'

📖 Configuration

Configuration can be done from either lua or viml:

  use {
    config = function()
        auto_connect = true,
        debug = false
    ft = {'clojure'}

🪲 Known Bugs

  • replica.nvim does not know if the nREPL process has stopped running, you can continue to issue :Eval after successfully connecting and there will be no response in the UI.
  • [8th Feb] it's possible that the sessions need to be closed to avoid OOMing? Needs more investigation

🧪 Testing

make test though make sure you have plenary.nvim installed next to this project (e.g both in the same src folder src/replica.nvim and src/plenary.nvim

❤️ Special thanks

  • Thank you Dominic/SevereOverfl0w for vim-replant and discussing this project
  • Thank you Bozhidar (& other contributors) for making cider
  • Thank you tpope (& other contributors) for making fireplace.vim
  • Thank you octo.nvim for being a great reference for writing lua based neovim plugins!
  • Thank you also to the neovim team for nice documentation, especially on the vim.loop/libuv integration!


💎 Clojure(script) REPL interaction tool for neovim.






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