Integrated Clojure Evaluator for Neovim.
This is a neovim plugin that communicates with a local nRepl on port 9999
You can send code via the command with with
Eval (def my-new-function 123)
And via visual mode by calling Eval
- Make sure the ruby on your path has the 'neovim' gem
- Install this plugin with your preferred plugin manager
e.g `Plug 'michaelbruce/ice.nvim'`
- Run `:UpdateRemotePlugins`
- Use the plugin, test by running a clojure repl on port 9999 and try `:Eval (def hello-world 123)`
- :UpdateRemotePlugins will fail if you don't have ruby with access to the 'neovim' gem
- When 'neovim' gem is not available the failure message is SO unhelpful - solution?
- Eval doesn't work the first time if double quotes are used e.g (def newvar "hello"), autocmd :Eval quick fix?
# XXX E116: Invalid arguments for function remote#define#CommandBootstrap where quotes are used "
# XXX note that this error does not occur after the first Eval without " occurs, then including " is fine?!?
# XXX Also note that this error ONLY occurs when passed in to Eval as
`export NVIM_RUBY_LOG_FILE=~/helpful.log`
- better display of the message log
- display error messages when they are returned in the ex command line
- run tests should run tests
- StackTrace should show the last stacktrace in the message log