Get started with Elixir development in minutes!
This repository is a modified version of farazdagi's original vim-go-ide
I simply modified some things for elixir development.
git clone ~/.vim_elixir_runtime
sh ~/.vim_elixir_runtime/bin/install
NOTE: You system's Vim configuration will NOT be changed i.e. it is safe to install.
Remember that your system's Vim config files remain untouched? During installation .vimrc.elixir
is created. Let's use it:
vim -u ~/.vimrc.elixir
And btw, nothing prevents you from creation of a handy alias in your .zshrc
alias vimelixir='vim -u ~/.vimrc.elixir'
Included in the vim plugins is vim-mix. Commands are mapped as follows. The default leader key is ','.
,md - Mix command (runs default mix command)
,mc - Clean
,mm - Compile
,md - Mix list dependencies
,mdc - Mix dependency clean
,mdm - Mix dependency compile
,mdg - Mix dependency get
,mdu - Mix dependency update
,mt - Mix test
You can use any supported colorscheme from this list
The default is molokai with dark background. To use a color scheme pass the scheme to the install command.
~/.vim_elixir_runtime/bin/install railscasts dark
Yep, that's it!