A simple Rails app to handle our intra-office foosball tournaments
foosball is written with Ruby on Rails 4.2.0.rc3 and highly influenced by The Ruby on Rails Tutorial by Michael Hartl.
I'm using Ruby 2.0.0p48
, installed by default with Mac OS X Yosemite. I tried to
use Ruby 2.1.5 with rbenv but I ran into
a problem with getting bundle
to find the right paths so I just didn't bother
trying to figure it out & stuck with the default system Ruby.
Once you clone the repo, you should be able to rely on the executables in ./bin/
to get you everything you need without having to worry about installing and
configuring a bunch of stuff. Bundle
has a passthrough command that will run
whatever command you pass it in the appropriate context with the right executable,
so by running something in Terminal like
bin/bundle exec rake db:migrate
it should all just work for you, even if you don't have some gems installed globally or if you have conflicting versions of a certain gem or its requirements (ie, Compass).
In order to get everything installed, it's as simple as
bin/bundle install --path vendor/bundle
This will install all the required gems, unsurprisingly, into vendor/bundle
The app is configured to use SQLite in the dev environment (and everywhere else too)
and again I'm just using the version of SQLite that came with Yosemite, version
. To set up the database run
bin/bundle exec rake db:migrate
To start a local development server, do
bin/bundle exec rails server
and you'll get a built-in Ruby web server at localhost:3000
Tests are run through a Rake task with
bin/bundle exec rake test
# or simply
bin/bundle exec rake