Create a server with a healthcheck route
- X install Express
- x create app.js
- x server.js files
- x create our get / handler (healthcheck route)
- x listen on a port
- x listen on a port determined by an envvar
Create a GET /students route
- x grab the hard-coded data from the demo prompt API and create a json file
- x create the GET /students route handler
- x add try/catch to handle errors
Create a GET /students/:id route
- x create the GET /students/:id route handler
- x handle students not found
- x try catch
NOT TODAY: Refactor into controllers
X Why did Jordan set the main entry point to "app" instead of "server" in the package.json and is there a difference?
X What is the difference between response.send("Hello world!") and the response.json?
X Should we gitignore the .env file?
X If the request gets an error, does it ever make it to the server or does it get an error before it gets to it?
X What if a request causes an error and express is no longer running? How are we going to handle this issue?
x why is it important to have a return inside of an if block when you already have a response?
x Is there a specific order we have to write our routes in our controllers?