RxSwift Extension for MIIScrollableViews
is a RxSwift Extension for MIIScrollableViews
makes it much easier to manage UIViews in horizontal UIScrollView. Also supports various types of gestures (Tap, Double Tap, Pan, Pinch and Long Press).
- iOS 8.0+
- Xcode 9.0
- Swift 4
github "mii-chan/RxMIIScrollableViews"
// Bind to UIPageControl
.bind(to: pageControl.rx.numberOfPages)
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
.map { $1 }
.bind(to: pageControl.rx.currentPage)
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
// Tap gesture
.map { "Tap index : \($0.index)" }
.bind(to: label.rx.text)
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
Name | Description |
count | Reactive wrapper for delegate method didViewsCountChange Internally use BehaviorSubject to emit the values |
viewDisplayed | Reactive wrapper for delegate method didViewDisplayedChange Internally use PublishSubject to emit the values |
tap | Reactive wrapper for delegate method didTap |
doubleTap | Reactive wrapper for delegate method didDoubleTap |
pan | Reactive wrapper for delegate method didPan |
pinch | Reactive wrapper for delegate method didPinch |
longPress | Reactive wrapper for delegate method didLongPress |
// UISwitch to control Pan gesture
let panSwitchValueChanged = panSwitch.rx.isOn.share(replay: 1)
// Bind to `shouldAddPanGesture`
.bind(to: scrollableViews.rx.shouldAddPanGesture)
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
// Clear text when the switch is off
.filter { !$0 }
.map { _ in "" }
.bind(to: label.rx.text)
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
Name | Description |
animated | Bindable sink for animated property |
shouldAddTapGesture | Bindable sink for shouldAddTapGesture property |
shouldAddDoubleTapGesture | Bindable sink for shouldAddDoubleTapGesture property |
shouldAddPanGesture | Bindable sink for shouldAddPanGesture property |
shouldAddPinchGesture | Bindable sink for shouldAddPinchGesture property |
shouldAddLongPressGesture | Bindable sink for shouldAddLongPressGesture property |
This library includes Demo project to see how it works.
Photo Credit
All materials are downloaded from PAKUTASO. If you continue to use the photos, you need to download them yourself from the Official Website or agree to the Terms of Use. If you do not agree, you are not permitted to use the photos.
MIT License, see LICENSE.