1.0.0-master-20201208-1: Minor Changes to Formatting (#451)
- 72c9c6d Minor Changes to Formatting (#451)
- 5ee181b Add Accession Number (#452)
- 8948d6f Timezone offset format bug fix
- 827450b re-add content type header (#449)
- 13411f7 Update oss-release.yml (#448)
- b9808a2 adding step name for uploading log file (#447)
- 2c2ad0f Updating release so it can access powershell file (#446)
- 5638712 Update README.md (#408)
- cc6ab42 Update Dicom-Cast ARM template for when not deploying AppInsights(#442)
- 014c1fa Validate FHIR version and transactions for Dicom-Cast (#439)
See More
- ea5543c Adding BirthDate to DicomCast (#421)
- 3ec033e Adding manual trigger to oss-release. (#438)
- 1872948 Update dicom cast documentation to clarify only supported by OSS FHIR (#437)
- 0867348 Update dicomcast-quick-deploy.json (#436)
- c1594f4 Update logging structure (#431)
- fd4c5c7 Update deploy-dicom-cast.md (#435)
- 0d2d3f8 Single deploy ARM template for fhir, dicom, dicomcast (#422)
- 375e106 AAD V2 and Dicom to Fhir doc updates (#427)
- 7494955 Update healthcare-shared-components version (#426)
This list of changes was auto generated.