Triplet-based similarity score for fully multi-labeled trees with poly-occurring labels
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Using pip
pip3 install mp3treesim
Using bioconda
conda install mp3treesim
usage: mp3treesim [-h] [-i | -u | -g] TREE TREE
positional arguments:
TREE Paths to the trees
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i Run MP3-treesim in Intersection mode.
-u Run MP3-treesim in Union mode.
-g Run MP3-treesim in Geometric mode.
For example:
$ mp3treesim examples/trees/tree10.gv examples/trees/tree3.gv
> 0.02347746030469402
It is possible to use mp3treesim
directly in a python script by import it.
import mp3treesim as mp3
tree1 = mp3.read_dotfile('examples/trees/tree10.gv')
tree2 = mp3.read_dotfile('examples/trees/tree3.gv')
print(mp3.similarity(tree1, tree2))
# 0.02347746030469402
A more detailed example in a clustering use case is availabe in example/clustering Jupyter Notebook.
The input file must be a valid Graphviz format with the following assumptions:
- each node must have a label attribute,
- each label in a node must be separated by a
digraph Tree {
1 [label="A"];
2 [label="B,G"];
3 [label="C"];
4 [label="D"];
5 [label="E"];
6 [label="F"];
1 -> 2;
1 -> 3;
2 -> 4;
2 -> 5;
3 -> 6;
>= 1.18.1networkx
>= 2.4pygraphviz
>= 1.5 (requires libgraphviz-dev)
The supplementary materials and the settings to reproduce the experiments are in