A minimalist clojure library for Elasticsearch REST API.
It's currently compatible with Elasticsearch 7.x. Ductile proposes a limited support to prior Elasticsearch version (5 and 6) through a compatibility mode that is more intended to help migrating data.
- 0.4.5
- Fix: Ensure UTF-8 encoding for bulk insert operations
- 0.4.4
- Fix: preserve field order when sorting by multiple fields
- 0.4.3: bad version (failed deployment)
(require '[ductile.conn :as es-conn])
(def c (es-conn/connect {:host "localhost"
:port 9200
:version 7
:protocol :http
:timeout 20000
:auth {:type :api-key
:params {:id "ngkvLnYB4ZehGW1qU-Xz"
:api-key "6HMnACPRSVWSMvZCf9VcGg"}}}))
Only host
and port
are required. The default values for the optional fields are:
: none.
Here is the schema of the auth
(s/defschema AuthParams
{:type (s/enum :basic-auth :api-key :oauth-token :bearer :headers)
:params {s/Keyword s/Str}})
The type
field specifies the auth method and the params
contains the authentication parameters.
Here are some examples for each type
- Authorization headers
{:type :headers
:params {:authorization "ApiKey bmdrdkxuWUI0WmVoR1cxcVUtWHo6NkhNbkFDUFJTVldTTXZaQ2Y5VmNHZw=="}}
- API Key
{:type :api-key
:params {:id "ngkvLnYB4ZehGW1qU-Xz"
:api-key "6HMnACPRSVWSMvZCf9VcGg"}}
- Basic Auth
{:type :basic-auth
:params {:user "the-login" :pwd "the-pwd"}}
- OAuth token
{:type :oauth-token
:params {:token "any-token"}}
- Bearer OAuth token
Like Oauth token but prefixes the token with Bearer
if missing.
{:type :bearer
:params {:token "any-token"}}
Only host
and port
are required, the default version value is 7, the default protocol value is :http
, and the default timeout is 30000 ms.
The version
field accepts an integer value to specify the major Elasticsearch version, and is used for the compatibility mode with Elasticsearch 5.x and 6.x.
(require '[ductile.index :as es-index])
(sut/index-exists? conn "new_index")
(def test-config {:settings {:number_of_shards 3
:number_of_replicas 1
:refresh_interval "1s"}
:mappings {:properties {:name {:type :text}
:age {:type :long}
:description {:type :text}}}
:aliases {:test-alias {}}})
;; for Elasticsearch 5.x compatibility, you must specify the document type(s) in the mappings.
(es-index/create! c "test-index" test-config)
;; you can then delete or close that index
(es-index/close! c "test-index")
(es-index/delete! c "test-index")
;; you can also manage templates
(es-index/create-template! c "test-index" test-config ["foo*" "bar*"])
;; when the index-patterns are not provided, one will be generated from the name with a wildcard suffix
;; for instance, the following template will have the index-patterns ["test-index*"]
(es-index/create-template! c "test-index" test-config)
(es-index/get-template c "test-index")
(es-index/delete-template! c "test-index")
- create a document, and use the id field as document id
(require '[ductile.document :as es-doc])
(es-doc/create-doc c
{:id 1
:name "John Doe"
:description "an anonymous coward"}
{:refresh "wait_for"})
{:id 1, :name "John Doe", :description "an anonymous coward"}
if you try to create another document with the same id, it will throw an ExceptionInfo
(es-doc/create-doc c
{:id 1
:name "Jane Doe"
:description "another anonymous coward"}
{:refresh "wait_for"})
;; Execution error (ExceptionInfo) at ductile.conn/safe-es-read (conn.clj:54).
;; ES query failed
it will return the document creation result
{:_index "test-index",
:_type "_doc",
:_id "1",
:_version 1,
:result "created",
:_shards {:total 2, :successful 1, :failed 0},
:_seq_no 0,
:_primary_term 1}
if you do not provide the id field, elasticsearch will insert the document and generate an id
(es-doc/create-doc c
{:name "Jane Doe 2"
:description "yet another anonymous coward"}
{:refresh "wait_for"})
{:_index "test-index",
:_type "_doc",
:_version 1,
:result "created",
:_shards {:total 2, :successful 1, :failed 0},
:_seq_no 0,
:_primary_term 1}
Using the field id
as document id is the default behavior. However you can provide a mk-id function that takes the created document as parameter to override that behavior and build the id from the document. For instance you could simply provide another field name.
(es-doc/create-doc c
{:uri "http://cisco.com/sighting/1"
:name "Jane Doe 2"
:description "yet another anonymous coward"}
{:refresh "wait_for"
:mk-id :uri})
{:_index "test-index",
:_type "_doc",
:_id "http://cisco.com/sighting/1",
:_version 1,
:result "created",
:_shards {:total 2, :successful 1, :failed 0},
:_seq_no 0,
:_primary_term 1}
another example with a function that return the hash of the created document
(es-doc/create-doc c
{:name "Jane Doe 2"
:description "yet another anonymous coward"}
{:refresh "wait_for"
:mk-id hash})
{:_index "test-index",
:_type "_doc",
:_id "1474268975",
:_version 1,
:result "created",
:_shards {:total 2, :successful 1, :failed 0},
:_seq_no 0,
:_primary_term 1}
you can similarly create a document with index-doc, but if the document already exists it will erase it
(es-doc/index-doc c
{:id 2
:name "Jane Doe"
:description "another anonymous coward"}
{:refresh "wait_for"})
(es-doc/index-doc c
{:name "John Doe"
:description "not so anonymous coward"}
{:refresh "wait_for"})
the 4th parameter offers to set the refresh
parameter and can take same string values as corresponding ES query parameter: true
, 'false', 'wait_for'
- patch a document
(es-doc/update-doc c
{:age 36
:description "anonymous but known age"}
{:refresh "wait_for"})
it returns the patched document
{:id 1, :name "Jane Doe", :description "anonymous with know age", :age 36}
- retrieve a document
(es-doc/get-doc c
{:id 1, :name "Jane Doe", :description "anonymous with know age", :age 36}
- delete a document
(es-doc/delete-doc c
{:refresh "wait_for"})
;; true
;;you can also delete documents by query
(es-doc/delete-by-query conn
{:query_string {:query "anonymous"}}
{:wait_for_completion true
:refresh "true"})))
- Elasticsearch 5.x compatibility
Any of the previous functions can be used on an Elasticsearch 5.x cluster by specifying the document type as a supplementary parameter after the index name.
(es-doc/get-doc c
{:id 1, :name "Jane Doe", :description "anonymous with know age", :age 36}
you can either provide classical elasticsearch queries or use some helpers from ductile.query
(require `[ductile.query :as es-query])
(es-doc/query c
(es-query/ids [1 2])
({:id 2, :name "Jane Doe", :description "another anonymous coward"}),
:paging {:total-hits 1}}
if you need all metadata you can use the full-hits? option
(es-doc/query c
{:match_all {}}
{:full-hits? true
:sort {"id" {:order :desc}}
:limit 2}))
it will return not only the matched documents but also meta data like _index
and _score
[{:_index "test-index",
:_type "_doc",
:_id "2",
:_score nil,
{:id 2, :name "Jane Doe", :description "another anonymous coward"},
:sort [2]}
{:_index "test-index",
:_type "_doc",
:_id "1",
:_score nil,
{:id 1, :name "Jane Doe", :description "another anonymous coward"},
:sort [1]}],
{:total-hits 3,
:next {:limit 2, :offset 2, :search_after [1]},
:sort [1]}}
Ductile also provides a search function with a simple interface that offers to use a Mongo like filters lucene query string to easily match documents.
uses the same format as ElasticSearch's sort parameter, except via
(es-doc/search-docs c
{:query_string {:query "anonymous"}}
{:age 36}
{:sort {:name {:order :desc}}})
To stub ES calls, provide a custom :request-fn
to es-conn/connect
It should implement the same interface as the 1-argument version
of clj-http.client/request
(require '[ductile.conn :as es-conn]
'[clj-http.client :as client])
(def c (es-conn/connect {:host "localhost"
:port 9200
:request-fn (fn [req]
{:status 200
:headers {:content-type "application/clojure"}})}))
See the middleware provided by clj-http.client/wrap-*
for simulating more interesting cases.
For example, this intercepts query-params and prints them:
(require '[ductile.conn :as es-conn]
'[ring.util.codec :refer [form-decode]]
'[clojure.walk :refer [keywordize-keys]]
'[clj-http.client :as client])
(def c (es-conn/connect {:host "localhost"
:port 9200
(-> (fn [req]
(prn {:query-params (keywordize-keys (form-decode (:query-string req)))})
{:status 200
:headers {:content-type "application/clojure"}})
Copyright © Cisco Systems
This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.