- Cologne, Germany
HRSCustomErrorHandling Public
Forked from Hotel-Reservation-Service/HRSCustomErrorHandlingThe custom error handling from the HRS iOS app.
Objective-C Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 31, 2017 -
gips Public
Forked from appscape/gipsGenerate realistic GPX routes for mocking user location in iOS Simulator
Ruby UpdatedJul 25, 2017 -
Kvitto Public
Forked from Cocoanetics/KvittoApp Store Receipt Validation
Swift BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedMar 29, 2017 -
talk-action-extensions Public
This is the sample code for the talk "The unofficial guide to building Action Extensions". Slides available at https://speakerdeck.com/michaelochs/the-unofficial-guide-to-building-action-extensions
Objective-C UpdatedJan 28, 2017 -
BCScanner Public
A barcode and qr code scanner that wraps the iOS7 scanning capabilities in a UIViewController
meme-me Public
Forked from hovsater/meme-meMemeMe application made during Udacity iOS Developer Nanodegree
Swift UpdatedAug 20, 2015 -
Demo-Todo Public
A demo application, illustrating the very basics of CloudKit.
ocmock Public
Forked from erikdoe/ocmockMock objects for Objective-C
Objective-C UpdatedNov 10, 2014 -
NSFoundationPlus Public
Forked from McZonk/NSFoundationPlusAdditions to NSFoundation
Objective-C UpdatedOct 28, 2014 -
UIKitCommonLocalizations Public
Forked from McZonk/UIKitCommonLocalizationsLoad common localized strings from the UIKit.bundle
Objective-C UpdatedJul 5, 2014 -
UIKitPlusLocalization Public
Forked from McZonk/UIKitPlusLocalizationUIKit enhanced localization support
Objective-C UpdatedDec 26, 2013 -
ObjectiveCPlus Public
Forked from McZonk/ObjectiveCPlusAdditions to the Objective-C core
Objective-C UpdatedDec 24, 2013 -
ORI Public
Forked from McZonk/ORIObjetive-C Runtime Inspector
Objective-C MIT License UpdatedJun 12, 2013 -
LEDRGBStrip Public
Forked from McZonk/LEDRGBStripArudino RGB LED Strip controller with iPhone client
Objective-C UpdatedSep 22, 2012