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darted_cli is a customizable Dart CLI framework for building command-line tools with hierarchical command structures, argument parsing, and flag management.


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darted_cli is a powerful and developer-friendly Dart package for building feature-rich, structured command-line interfaces (CLI). It simplifies the process of creating command trees, parsing arguments and flags, and handling input validation with a focus on developer experience and ease of use.

You can see how to implement your next big idea using darted_cli through This Blog Post.

Table of Contents

  1. Features
  2. Installation
  3. Usage
  4. Developer Experience
  5. Featurs / Requests
  6. License


  • Command Tree Validation: Ensures commands follow the hierarchy and validates parent-child relationships.
  • Argument Parsing: Supports named and multi-option arguments with default values.
  • Flag Parsing: Handles boolean flags and their negations (e.g., --no-flag).
  • Call Stack Management: Tracks commands, arguments, and flags in execution order.
  • Error Handling: Provides descriptive errors for invalid commands, arguments, or flags.
  • Help and Version Flags: Built-in support for --help and --version flags.
  • Console Management: Display formatted output with colors and styles.
  • Extensibility: Easily add custom commands, arguments, and flags.
  • Customizable Responses: Define custom error messages for invalid inputs.
  • Interactive CLI: Generate dynamic help text for commands.
  • Developer-Friendly: Focused on ease of use with minimal boilerplate.


Add the following to your pubspec.yaml file:

  darted_cli: [latest_version]

Then, run:

dart pub get


1. Define your Commands

Define your CLI commands using a tree structure:

final List<DartedCommand> commandsTree = [
        // Give the command a name..
        name: 'create',
        // Give it a helper description.. (optional)
        helperDescription: "This will create something..",
        // Give it the allowed arguments..
        arguments: [
          // --name [something] & -n [something] are now allowed and will be availbale in your callback if the user input it!
          // If the user didn't input the argument, you will get the default value..
          DartedArgument(name: 'name', abbreviation: 'n', defaultValue: 'new_flutter_project', isMultiOption: false),
          // You also have the option to allow an argument to have multible options, with input validation based on the accepted options YOU enter!
          DartedArgument(name: 'platforms', abbreviation: 'p', acceptedMultiOptionValues: 'android,ios,web', isMultiOption: true, optionsSeparator: ','),
          // - **NEW in 0.1.5** Set an argument as 'Main', This will make it required and positional. 
          // e.g `your_package create the/path/required`
          DartedArgument(name: 'path', abbreviation: 'p', isMainReq: true),
        // Now, give it the flags allowed for this specific command, You can allow it to be negated too! (--no-flag)
        flags: [
          // Provided flag template for the --help/-h flag, it's automatically captured and you can customize it's output!
          // Oh, and you can also allow flags to be applied by default even if they are not passed in..
          DartedFlag(name: 'package', abbreviation: 'pa', canBeNegated: false, appliedByDefault: true),
          DartedFlag(name: 'solo', abbreviation: 's', canBeNegated: true, appliedByDefault: false),
        // And finally, give your command a callback based on the arguments and flags you get. It can't get any easier!
        callback: (arguments, flags) => ConsoleHelper.write(
          '${'This command is ' 'create'.withColor(} I have the arguments: $arguments, and the flags: $flags',
        subCommands: [
          DartedCommand(name: 'a_sub_command',
          helperDescription: "A sub command for create..",
          callback: (arguments, flags) {
            // With the console helper you could:
            // - Get an user input?
                promptBuilder: (def, secToTimeout) => 'Give me your name!');
            // - Confirm an user's action?
                prompt: 'Are you absolutely sure??',
                acceptedAffirmatives: ['Yea']);
            // - Execute a command?
            ConsoleHelper.executeCommand('flutter doctor -v');
            // - Load a task interactively?
                task: 'doing something...',
                process: () async =>
                    await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 4)));
            // - **NEW in 0.1.11** Prompt the user to select an option interactively?
            List<int> theGottenChoices = ConsoleHelper.chooseOption(
              'Choose an option',
              ['Option 1', 'Option 2', 'Option 3'],
              isMultiSelect: true,
              unselectedIndicator: "[]",
              selectedIndicator: "[x]",
              selectionIndicator: "->",
            ConsoleHelper.write('Got the choices: $theGottenChoices');
      DartedCommand(name: 'another_command', callback: (arguments, flags) {}, helperDescription: "Another top level command...")

2. Extend your callback powers with our helpers!

Console Helper
// Get the user's input (with default value and time-out support!)
ConsoleHelper.getUserInput(promptBuilder: (defValue, timeout) => 'enter something...');

// Write out to the console
ConsoleHelper.write("Here's an output!...");

// That's just the easy stuff!
I/O Helper
// All the basic stuff! Creating, deleting, reading, and writing to files and directories.
// Some more exciting things? Here you go..

// List all files in here?

// Find all the files with a custom RegExp pattern and get all their pathes?

// Search all the files in a directory for a specific keyword? Ignore hidded files? exclude some files? All There!'lib',RegExp(r'someWord'), exclude: [main.dart], ignoreHidden: true);

// Replacing the keyword, renaming, moving, and more, Just check the docs!
Some more stuff we're too modest to mention?
  • Loading YAML files and quick parsing?
  • ASCII artwork support to get those pretty prints?
  • In-console loading animations for those step-by-step tasks?
  • ? ( Leave feature request or contribute!)

3. Execute it

Create a main entry point:

import 'package:darted_cli/darted_cli.dart';

void main(List<String> input) async => await dartedEntry(
      input: input,
      commandsTree: commandsTree,
      // The main entry command when someone types in [your_package]
      customEntryHelper: (tree) async {
       return await AsciiArtModule.textToAscii('DARTED', beforeEachLine: "|  ");
      // Available commands, arguments, and flags to process.
      customVersionResponse: () => "when i get -v, here's a response!",
      // Oh yeah, the console helper has colors, background colors, and text modifiers!
      customHelpResponse: () => 'custom response for the -h flag?'

So when the user enters

dart run my_package create --name project_name -p android,ios

You get:

Command: create
Arguments: { name: project_name, platforms: [android, ios] }
Flags: { package: true, solo: false }

Now, Done building your 1-billion dollar CLI Tool?

Run the script in your terminal

dart run [your_package] create --name my_project -flag --no-flag

Or upload it so we all get to take a look!

Developer Experience

darted_cli is designed with developers in mind, offering:

  • Ease of Use: Focus on defining your command logic instead of boilerplate code.
  • Minimal Setup: Get started quickly with built-in argument and flag parsing.
  • Customizability: Tailor commands, error messages, and output to suit your needs.
  • Interactive Debugging: Test your command hierarchy with detailed validation output.
  • Scalable Design: Add commands, subcommands, and features without breaking existing functionality.

Why Choose darted_cli?

  • Save Time: No need to reimplement parsing logic or validation checks.
  • Focus on Logic: Concentrate on the functionality of your CLI application.
  • Reliable Framework: Built to handle both simple and complex CLI needs.

Featurs and Requests

  • Adding custom Ascii art fonts.
  • Adding Command Execution functionality.
  • Adding Prompt to choose an option.
  • Adding option to compile.
  • Adding more animated loaders.
  • You tell me!


Licensed under the MIT License. You are free to use, modify, and distribute this package.


darted_cli is a customizable Dart CLI framework for building command-line tools with hierarchical command structures, argument parsing, and flag management.







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