Please feel free to update this calendar, but also notify the organizers. Please don't put specifics here, just a minor note and initial will do.
Date | Topic | Contact | Venue |
2016-02-05 | open | MS | Flex |
2016-02-12 | BCCVL | JB | CMAR |
2016-02-19 | open | MS | |
2016-02-26 | DI | MS | Flex |
2016-03-04 | NH | MS | Flex |
2016-03-11 | PB | MS | Flex |
2016-03-18 | DF | MS | Flex |
2016-03-25 | Good Friday | ||
2016-04-01 | Rsbz | MS | Flex |
2016-05-08 | open | MS | Flex |
2016-04-15 | NK | MS | Flex |
2016-04-22 | free-form, programming | MS | Flex |
2016-04-22 | GIS intro | MS | Flex |
2016-05-06 | GDAL | ||
2016-05-13 | |||
2016-05-20 | WFS/WMS | ||
2016-05-27 | - | ||
2016-06-03 | - | ||
2016-06-10 | - | ||
2016-06-17 | - |
- GIS intro - what is it, with Manifold and QGIS
- layers
- drawings, objects/attributes
- rasters and images
- thematic formatting
- drawing and pixel editing tools
- projections
- GDAL - GIS workhorse toolkit
- gdalinfo, ogrinfo
- gdal_translate, ogr2ogr
- relation to QGIS
- vector data formats
- raster data formats
- QGIS and open tools
- web services
- ?
- GIS in the 21C
- leaflet
- mapserver
- meshes
- WebGL
- texture mapping
- ?
- Clone this repo.
- Make your edits, say by creating a .md file in _posts/ (see below)
- Push your edits if you have the privileges, or create a pull request.
The simplest method is to create a Markdown file (.md) in the _posts/ directory.
The format of the name must follow the pattern of "".
A minimal blog post consists of the following Markdown content
layout: post
title: "DaSH whatever and ever amen"
author: "Rupert Rabbit"
date: "2816-02-05"
published: true
status: publish
draft: false
Hi DaSHers,
Last week blah de blah blah.
Some deets with asterisks for bold emphasis:
Friday 12 February 2816
Outer group flex station
Here is a report from [800 years ago](
demonstrating how to use URL links in Markdown.