SwiftRefresher solves your problem on UIRefreshControl on UITableView in UIViewController! SwiftRefresher is one of the alternatives of UIRefreshControl. Moreover, it is very customizable!
- Simple and easy to use.
- Customize loading view whatever you want.
Add codes below and add it to UITableView with srf_addRefresher
. The closure will be called when refresh starts.
let refresher = RefresherView { [weak self] () -> Void in
And call srf_endRefreshing()
whenever/wherever your refreshing task finished.
The view of SwiftRefresher is independent from its main system. The only requirement is to conform to SwfitRefresherEventReceivable
protocol. Default view is SimpleRefreshView
. You can use it with a little customization like this below:
let refresher = Refresher { [weak self] () -> Void in
refresher.createCustomRefreshView { () -> SwfitRefresherEventReceivable in
return SimpleRefreshView(activityIndicatorViewStyle: .White)
In this example, I changed SimpleRefreshView's activityIndicatorViewStyle to .White. But you can customize more with create your own refreh view!
Just create a view with conforming to SwfitRefresherEventReceivable
. SwfitRefresherEventReceivable
has one required function func didReceiveEvent(event: SwiftRefresherEvent)
. Through this function, refresher send the view the events. The events are below:
public enum SwiftRefresherEvent {
case Pull(offset: CGPoint, threshold: CGFloat)
case StartRefreshing
case EndRefreshing
case RecoveredToInitialState
For example, preset SimpleRefreshView has this easy codes.
public func didReceiveEvent(event: SwiftRefresherEvent) {
switch event {
case .Pull:
pullingImageView.hidden = false
case .StartRefreshing:
pullingImageView.hidden = true
case .EndRefreshing:
case .RecoveredToInitialState:
means that after EndRefreshing, the view will go back to initial state. And then the state becamed to the initial, this event will be called.
##Runtime Requirements
- iOS8.1 or later
- Xcode 7.0
Just add to your Cartfile:
github "morizotter/SwiftRefresher"
###Installing with CocoaPods
CocoaPods is a centralised dependency manager that automates the process of adding libraries to your Cocoa application. You can install it with the following command:
$ gem update
$ gem install cocoapods
$ pods --version
To integrate SwiftRefresher into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile
and run pod install
platform :ios, '8.1'
pod "SwiftRefresher", '~>0.9.0'
To install SwiftRefresher without a dependency manager, please add all of the files in /SwiftRefresher
to your Xcode Project.
Please file issues or submit pull requests for anything you’d like to see! We're waiting! :)
SwiftRefresher is released under the MIT license. Go read the LICENSE file for more information.