Create and view temporary mailbox using 1secmail API.
- python >= 3.6
- requests
- html2text
- rich
- appdirs
- Install using
pip install git+
tmpmail [-h] [-g [USERNAME]] [-r] [-t] [-b [BROWSER]]
[-d {,,,,}]
positional arguments:
id id of the email received
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-g [USERNAME], --generate [USERNAME]
generate new username or use given.
-r, --recent view most recent email.
-t, --text view email as pure text.
-b [BROWSER], --browser [BROWSER]
open email in given browser.
-d {,,,,}, --domain {,,,,}
set a custom domain supported by 1secmail.
The python version is inspired by Siddharth Dushantha's tmpmail script.