I'm a learner. I'm a self-motivated and passionate problem solver, and I participated in several programming contests including ICPC. I'm also enthusiastic about modern software development and have expertise in different frameworks and libraries. My goal is to be the best software engineer. I can think and work under pressure. I'm doing my best for my career.
- OOP, Data Structures and algorithms, Programming Fundamentals, Problem Solving, Competitive Programming.
- Expertise (BackEnd): PHP & Laravel, JavaScript, Java and WordPress
- FrontEnd: React, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and Tailwind
- Database: MySQL
- Familiar: C, C++, Python & ML
- Solved 400+ Problems at Various Online Judges.
- Designed Portfolio Template, Landing Page and More.
- Developed Ebook E-commerce, Inventory (POS), Todo Blog Applications, and More.
- 💬 I’m currently developing React Bangla Tutorial
- 💻 Learning about Javascript & React, Laravel, Spring Boot
- 👁🗨 Focusing on software engineering best practices