A "No-ORM" sane SQL ←→ Java object mapping library
Books related to Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Neural Networks
My final project for CS50 Spring 2018, where I used a genetic Algorithm to evolve a neural network to play the classic arcade game snake.
in this program i will be attempting to use a genetic algorithm in order to teach a neural network how to play the game snake
The classic game of snake combined with a genetic algorithm neural network. This Ai learns how to play the game snakes over the course of generations.
Attempt to implement a neural network into a genetic algorithm to teach an AI to play the game Snake
Snake game that uses neural networks and genetic algorithms to make the snake play by itself.
Snake game implementation with an AI that uses neural networks and a genetic algorithm, in Processing/Java.
A classic game of snake that is controlled by a neural network and trained using a genetic algorithm
Snakes from the classical game are controlled by neural networks and evolve using a genetic algorithm.
Multi-layer perceptron neural networks implementation in java
Building Neural Networks from Scratch book repository.
COSC 4P76 Machine Learning Final Project - Training AI to play Snake Game
Collection of various algorithms in mathematics, machine learning, computer science and physics implemented in C++ for educational purposes.
Repositório da turma de redes neurais na prática de Itaipu
A digital logic designer and circuit simulator.
Digital logic design tool and simulator
A Java application that allows the user to draw on a 2D canvas using their mouse and a series of options.
A simple Java interface for creating a Frame and Panel and drawing things on them, along with some methods added for convenience.