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Mind Strom 4.0 is a signature Intra University yearly program of BAUET. This repository is to provide the problem-set, editorial and solution to the programming contest of Mind Strom 4.0


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You can practice the contest here : Mind Strom 4.0 Recap
Polygon links of the problems can be found here: Problem Links


A. Bauet Day

The problem was set by Md. Arik Rayhan. This was a giveway problem, you just need to print two birthday in given format according to their year.Solution link: A. Bauet Day

B.Beautiful Prime(Easy Version)

The problem was set by Md. Arik Rayhan. This was also a giveway problem, Here the task is to print the primeth prime number. Example if n=3 then first 3 prime numbers are 2,3,5 and 2th,3thand 5th prime numbers are 3,5,11. Solution link : B.Beautiful Prime(Easy Version)

C.Beautiful Prime(Hard Version)

The problem was set by Md. Arik Rayhan.The problem is similer to B but the constrains are hard. You need to use bitwise sieve to solve the problem. Refer to this link for the algorithm: Bitwise Sieve. Solution link: C.Beautiful Prime(Hard Version)

D.Sindbad and Monster

The problem was set by Tarique Abid.Sindbad and his sailors need to determine if they can stay safe on an island with a specific size, considering tunnels between islands connected by secret doors. To solve this, we perform prime factorization on the island size and calculate the number and sum of divisors. Then, we compare these values with the given constraints. If they meet the criteria and there's no overflow, Sindbad and his sailors can stay safe. The time complexity of the solution is O(q * sqrt(m)), where q is the number of test cases and m is the maximum island size. Solution link: D.Sindbad and Monster

E.Temple Run

The problem was set by Tarique Abid.To solve this problem, we can use the concept of Euler's Totient Function and GCD Sum. Euler's Totient Function calculates the count of numbers that are coprime with N, where N is the distance of the den from home. This can be precomputed and stored in an array for efficiency. The GCD Sum is the sum of N times the Totient Function value for all divisors of N. Using the precomputed values of Totient Function and GCD Sum, we can determine if Cinderella can reach her den safely. If the computed GCD Sum value for N is greater than or equal to the total number of obstacles M, it indicates that Cinderella can safely reach her den by transferring obstacles from one segment to another. Otherwise, she won't be able to reach her den safely. Solution link: E.Temple Run

F.Temple run once again

The problem was set by Tarique Abid.The problem asks to find the minimum size of cubes that Cinderella needs to fill all the holes with given heights. You need to use binary search to find the lower bound of the optimal cube height. First calculate the total number of cubes required for a given cube height, and then perform binary search to find the lower bound. If it is possible to fill all the holes with the given number of cubes, it outputs the minimum cube height; otherwise, it outputs -1. The time complexity of the solution is O(log N), where N is the number of holes.Solution link: F.Temple run once again

G.Best Friend Again

The problem was set by Md. Momenul Haque.In this problem the task was to replace the words given word. But you need to be careful while replacing about capitilization. Because the AI can Detect both Momenul and momenul as same. No more hints :-/ .Solution link: G.Best Friend Again

H.CG Code and Life

The problem was set by Md. Arik Rayhan. This was also a giveway problem,Here you just need to find the area of a triangle given it's side. But the sides of the triangle are large so you need to use long double. Solution link: H.CG Code and Life


Special thanks to Bristi Rani Roy and Redoanul Haque Roni, distinguished teachers and judges of this programming contest, your expertise and passion are truly exceptional.


Mind Strom 4.0 is a signature Intra University yearly program of BAUET. This repository is to provide the problem-set, editorial and solution to the programming contest of Mind Strom 4.0





