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Day 05
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mcebular committed Dec 5, 2023
1 parent da92cb5 commit 81452a5
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Showing 2 changed files with 473 additions and 0 deletions.
236 changes: 236 additions & 0 deletions day05.groovy
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@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
import groovy.transform.TupleConstructor;
import groovy.transform.ToString;

class MappingRange {
long destination;
long source;
long length;

String toString() {
return "src: $source -> ${source+length-1}, dst: $destination -> ${destination+length-1}, len: $length";

Long map(long value) {
if (value >= source && value < source + length) {
long diff = value - source;
return destination + diff;
return null;

{ // Test:
def range = new MappingRange(52, 50, 48);
assert == null;
assert == 52;
assert == 99;
assert == null;

class Range {
long start;
long length;

String toString() {
return "Range($start -> ${start+length-1}, length=${length})";

Range[] split(MappingRange[] mappingRanges) {
// Splits range into multiple ranges, where each range is either fully
// within or fully outside any of the mapping ranges.
// Assumes mapping ranges do not overlap.

def mappingPoints = mappingRanges.collect {
[it.source, it.source + it.length]
}.flatten().findAll {
it >= start && it <= start + length

def splitPoints = [start, mappingPoints, start + length].flatten().sort().unique();

def result = [];
for (int i = 0; i < splitPoints.size() - 1; i++) {
def rangeStart = splitPoints[i];
def rangeEnd = splitPoints[i + 1];
def rangeLength = rangeEnd - rangeStart;
result << new Range(rangeStart, rangeLength);

return result;

Range map(MappingRange[] mappingRanges) {
// Assumes range is fully-contained within one of the mapping ranges.
for (def mappingRange in mappingRanges) {
def mappedValue =;
if (mappedValue != null) {
return new Range(mappedValue, length);
return new Range(start, length);


{ // Test: whole range is inside mapping.
def testRangeSplit = new Range(15, 15).split([
new MappingRange(110, 10, 50)
] as MappingRange[]);
assert testRangeSplit.size() == 1;
assert testRangeSplit[0].start == 15;
assert testRangeSplit[0].length == 15;

{ // Test: start of the range is outside mapping.
def testRangeSplit = new Range(0, 30).split([
new MappingRange(110, 10, 50)
] as MappingRange[]);
assert testRangeSplit.size() == 2;
assert testRangeSplit[0].start == 0;
assert testRangeSplit[0].length == 10;
assert testRangeSplit[1].start == 10;
assert testRangeSplit[1].length == 20;

{ // Test: end of the range is outside mapping.
def testRangeSplit = new Range(10, 60).split([
new MappingRange(110, 10, 50)
] as MappingRange[]);
assert testRangeSplit.size() == 2;
assert testRangeSplit[0].start == 10;
assert testRangeSplit[0].length == 50;
assert testRangeSplit[1].start == 60;
assert testRangeSplit[1].length == 10;

{ // Test: start and end of the range are outside mapping.
def testRangeSplit = new Range(0, 100).split([
new MappingRange(110, 10, 50)
] as MappingRange[])
assert testRangeSplit.size() == 3;
assert testRangeSplit[0].start == 0;
assert testRangeSplit[0].length == 10;
assert testRangeSplit[1].start == 10;
assert testRangeSplit[1].length == 50;
assert testRangeSplit[2].start == 60;
assert testRangeSplit[2].length == 40;

{ // Test: the range is split between two mapping ranges.
def testRangeSplit = new Range(0, 100).split([
new MappingRange(110, 10, 10),
new MappingRange(110, 60, 10)
] as MappingRange[]);
assert testRangeSplit.size() == 5;
assert testRangeSplit[0].start == 0;
assert testRangeSplit[0].length == 10;
assert testRangeSplit[1].start == 10;
assert testRangeSplit[1].length == 10;
assert testRangeSplit[2].start == 20;
assert testRangeSplit[2].length == 40;
assert testRangeSplit[3].start == 60;
assert testRangeSplit[3].length == 10;
assert testRangeSplit[4].start == 70;
assert testRangeSplit[4].length == 30;

class Item {
String type;
Range[] ranges;

class Almanac {
Map<String, Map<String, MappingRange[]>> ranges = [:];

void addRange(String src, String dst, MappingRange range) {
if (ranges[src] == null) {
ranges[src] = [:];
if (ranges[src][dst] == null) {
ranges[src][dst] = [];
ranges[src][dst] << range;

MappingRange[] getRanges(String src, String dst) {
return ranges[src][dst];

Item mapItem(Item item) {
def dst = ranges[item.type].keySet()[0];
MappingRange[] targetRanges = ranges[item.type][dst];

def itemRanges = item.ranges.collect {
}.flatten().collect {;
return new Item(dst, itemRanges as Range[]);

Item mapItemTo(Item item, String dst) {
while (item.type != dst) {
item = mapItem(item);
return item;

def input = new File("input/day05.txt")
.inject("") { acc, line ->
acc + "_" + line
.collect {

Almanac almanac = new Almanac();
input[1..-1].collect { section ->
def parts = section.split("\n");

def title = parts[0];
def titleParts = title.split(" ")[0].split("-to-");
def src = titleParts[0];
def dst = titleParts[1];

def ranges = parts[1..-1];
ranges.collect { range ->
long[] t = range.split(/ +/).collect{ it.toLong() };
new MappingRange(t[0], t[1], t[2]);
}.each { almanac.addRange(src, dst, it) };

long[] seeds = input[0].split(": ")[1].split(/ +/).collect { it.toLong() };

println seeds
.collect {
new Item("seed", [new Range(it.toLong(), 1)] as Range[])
}.collect { item ->
almanac.mapItemTo(item, "location").ranges
.collect { it.start }

println seeds
.inject([[]]) { acc, it ->
// Make value pairs from the list.
if (acc[-1].size() >= 2) {
acc << [];
acc[-1] << it.toLong();
return acc;
}.collect {
new Item("seed", [new Range(it[0], it[1])] as Range[]);
}.collect { item ->
return almanac.mapItemTo(item, "location").ranges
.collect { it.start }

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