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Day 19
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mcebular committed Dec 20, 2023
1 parent e2a6453 commit 3b4e74d
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Showing 2 changed files with 1,030 additions and 0 deletions.
257 changes: 257 additions & 0 deletions day19.groovy
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@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
import groovy.time.TimeCategory;
import groovy.time.TimeDuration;
import groovy.transform.EqualsAndHashCode;
import groovy.transform.ToString;
import groovy.transform.TupleConstructor;

class Rule {
char category;
char comparator;
int value;
String target;

boolean matches(Part part) {
if (category == '_' as char) {
return true;

int partValue;
switch(category) {
case 'x' as char: partValue = part.x; break;
case 'm' as char: partValue = part.m; break;
case 'a' as char: partValue = part.a; break;
case 's' as char: partValue = part.s; break;
default: assert false : "Invalid part category";

if (comparator == '>' as char) {
return partValue > value;
} else if (comparator == '<' as char) {
return partValue < value;
} else {
assert false : "Invalid rule comparator";

class Workflow {
String name;
List<Rule> rules;

String process(Part part) {
for (Rule rule in rules) {
if (rule.matches(part)) {

class Part {
int x;
int m;
int a;
int s;

def value() {
return x + m + a + s;

def input = new File("input/day19.txt").readLines().join("\n").split("\n\n");
def workflows = input[0].split("\n").collect { workflow ->
def parts = workflow.split("[{]");
def name = parts[0];
def rules = parts[1][0..-2].split(",").collect { rule ->
if (rule.contains(":")) {
def matcher = rule =~ /^([xmas]{1})([><]{1})([0-9]+):(.*)$/
return new Rule(matcher[0][1] as char, matcher[0][2] as char, matcher[0][3].toInteger(), matcher[0][4]);
} else {
return new Rule('_' as char, '_' as char, -1, rule);
return new Workflow(name, rules);
}.collectEntries { wf -> [, wf] };
def parts = input[1].split("\n").collect { part ->
part = part[1..-2].split(",").collect { rating ->
def parts = rating.split("=");
return parts[1].toInteger();
return new Part(part[0], part[1], part[2], part[3]);

// println(workflows);
// println(parts);

def isPartAccepted(def workflows, Part part) {
String curr = 'in';
while (curr != 'A' && curr != 'R') {
def workflow = workflows[curr];
curr = workflow.process(part);

if (curr == 'A' || curr == 'R') {
return curr;

assert false : "Undefined part acceptance";

{ // Part 1
def acceptedParts = [];
for (Part part in parts) {
if (isPartAccepted(workflows, part) == 'A') {
acceptedParts << part;
println(acceptedParts.collect { it.value() }.sum());

class PartRange {
Integer xFrom;
Integer xTo;
Integer mFrom;
Integer mTo;
Integer aFrom;
Integer aTo;
Integer sFrom;
Integer sTo;

def split(Rule rule) {
// I'm sure this can be expressed better with map or something.
if (rule.category == 'x') {
def xStart = xFrom;
def xSplit = rule.value - (rule.comparator == '<' ? 1 : 0);
def xEnd = xTo;

return [
new PartRange(xStart, xSplit, mFrom, mTo, aFrom, aTo, sFrom, sTo),
new PartRange(xSplit + 1, xEnd, mFrom, mTo, aFrom, aTo, sFrom, sTo),
} else if (rule.category == 'm') {
def mStart = mFrom;
def mSplit = rule.value - (rule.comparator == '<' ? 1 : 0);
def mEnd = mTo;

return [
new PartRange(xFrom, xTo, mStart, mSplit, aFrom, aTo, sFrom, sTo),
new PartRange(xFrom, xTo, mSplit + 1, mEnd, aFrom, aTo, sFrom, sTo),
} else if (rule.category == 'a') {
def aStart = aFrom;
def aSplit = rule.value - (rule.comparator == '<' ? 1 : 0);
def aEnd = aTo;

return [
new PartRange(xFrom, xTo, mFrom, mTo, aStart, aSplit, sFrom, sTo),
new PartRange(xFrom, xTo, mFrom, mTo, aSplit + 1, aEnd, sFrom, sTo),
} else if (rule.category == 's') {
def sStart = sFrom;
def sSplit = rule.value - (rule.comparator == '<' ? 1 : 0);
def sEnd = sTo;

return [
new PartRange(xFrom, xTo, mFrom, mTo, aFrom, aTo, sStart, sSplit),
new PartRange(xFrom, xTo, mFrom, mTo, aFrom, aTo, sSplit + 1, sEnd),
} else if (rule.category == '_') {
return [new PartRange(xFrom, xTo, mFrom, mTo, aFrom, aTo, sFrom, sTo)];
} else {
assert false : "Invalid rule category";

class State {
PartRange range;
String workflowName;

def start = new State(new PartRange(1, 4000, 1, 4000, 1, 4000, 1, 4000), 'in');
def states = [start];
def acceptedRanges = [];
def rejectedRanges = [];
while (states.size() > 0) {
def curr = states.pop();
def range = curr.range;
def workflow = workflows[curr.workflowName];

if (curr.workflowName == 'A') {
acceptedRanges << range;

if (curr.workflowName == 'R') {
rejectedRanges << range;

// Split workflow range for each workflow rule.
def remainingRange = range;
for (def rule in workflow.rules) {
def subranges = remainingRange.split(rule);
if (subranges.size() == 1) {
states << new State(subranges[0],;

if (rule.comparator == '>') {
states << new State(subranges[1],;
remainingRange = subranges[0];
} else if (rule.comparator == '<') {
states << new State(subranges[0],;
remainingRange = subranges[1];
} else {
assert false : "Invalid rule comparator";

def rangesToCount(List<PartRange> ranges) {
ranges.collect {
return 1 as BigInteger *
(1 + it.xTo - it.xFrom) *
(1 + it.mTo - it.mFrom) *
(1 + it.aTo - it.aFrom) *
(1 + it.sTo - it.sFrom);
}.inject(0 as BigInteger) { acc, it -> acc + it };

def totalParts = 4000 as BigInteger * 4000 * 4000 * 4000;
def acceptedParts = rangesToCount(acceptedRanges);
def rejectedParts = rangesToCount(rejectedRanges);

for (def range in acceptedRanges) {
def rsx = new Part(range.xFrom, range.mFrom, range.aFrom, range.sFrom);
def rex = new Part(range.xTo, range.mTo, range.aTo, range.sTo);
assert isPartAccepted(workflows, rsx) == 'A';
assert isPartAccepted(workflows, rex) == 'A';
for (def range in rejectedRanges) {
def rsx = new Part(range.xFrom, range.mFrom, range.aFrom, range.sFrom);
def rex = new Part(range.xTo, range.mTo, range.aTo, range.sTo);
assert isPartAccepted(workflows, rsx) == 'R';
assert isPartAccepted(workflows, rex) == 'R';


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