This Matlab repository presents how to extract morphological features based on manually outlined regions of interests (ROIs) from the OASBUD dataset.
List of morphological features:
- breast mass area
- area ratio
- circularity
- convexity
- depth-to-width ratio
- elliptic normalized circumference
- elliptic normalized skeleton
- long-to-short axis ratio
- mass orientation
- normalized residual value
- roundness
- normalized radial length area ratio
- normalized radial length contour roughness
- normalized radial length mean
- normalized radial length standard deviation
The listed features were investigated in the following papers:
- Chen et al. Breast lesions on sonograms: computer-aideddiagnosis with nearly setting-independent features and artificial neuralnetworks. Radiology, 2003.
- Shen et al. Breast ultrasound computer-aided diagnosis using BI-RADS features. Academic Radiology, 2007.
- Alvarenga et al. Assessing the performance of morphological parameters in distinguishing breast tumors on ultrasound images. Medical Engineering & Physics, 2010,
- Flores et al. Improving classification performance of breast lesions on ultrasonography. Pattern Recognition, 2015.
If you find this site useful for your work, consider citing the following papers:
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We used the publically available Matlab code for ellipse fitting:
Ohad Gal (2020). fit_ellipse (, MATLAB Central File Exchange.