trilayer_stacked : Tight Binding Calculation of DOS and MHC-DOS kinetic rates in Stacked Trilayer Graphene
Calculation density of states for ABA/ABC stacked trilayer graphene using a low-energy momentum space model (or Fourier transformed tight-binding model). The DOS files are used as input to the MHC-DOS model for charge transfer rates with redox couple (Ruthenium Hexamine). For rate model see the Julia-based ElectrochemicalKinetics.jl package.
Dr. Stephen Carr : [email protected]
Mohammad Babar : [email protected]
Main file descriptions are as follows, other files are either output or supporting function files.
generates DOS files for ABA or ABC stacking using tight binding. namedABC_dos.mat
. Description of input arguments can be found at the beginning of the file. -
main Julia calculation script that outputs.mat
file with oxidation (k_ox) and reduction rates (k_red) for specified parameters$A$ ,$\lambda$ and$\eta$ .
i. C_dl
: EDL capacitance (F)
ii. V_dl
: EDL voltage (V)
iii. C_q
: Quantum capacitance (F)
iv. V_q
: Quantum capacitance voltage (V)
v. Vq_min / Vq_max
: Min/Max range of Quantum capacitance voltage for interpolation (Eq. 3 in paper)
vi. kT
: Thermal energy to temperature setting (0.26 eV at 300 K)
vii. ef
: Fermi energy of the electrode
Run Julia scripts using:
> julia script.jl
The output prints the rates, e.g. for Ruthenium Hexamine (default parameters in script.jl
ABA k_ox 2.6323040539732973e-5 k_red 2.6323040539732787e-5
ABC k_ox 2.77951068679322e-5 k_red 2.7795106867932337e-5
Here LHS and RHS rates are equal as η = 0.0
(no driving force).