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Titan Embeds!

Automated server setup with Ansible!

The current version of this build is optimized for Ubuntu 18.04, please visit the Discord support server for additional support of ansible-playbooks setup/installation of Titan Embeds.

Installation Instructions

If you are running Titan Embeds from a local connection with Ubuntu please add --connection=local after hosts in ansible-playbook -i hosts Example: ansible-playbook -i hosts --connection=local playbooks/titansetup.yml

  1. Create a bot user from Insert the following redirect uris: https://DOMAIN.TLD/user/callback and https://DOMAIN.TLD/user/dashboard.
  2. Escalate to the root user: sudo su
  3. Install a few prerequisites: apt install ansible git python-psycopg2.
  4. Git clone this repository into the home directory of root.
  5. cd /root/ansible-playbooks/roles/setup/files and create your configuration files, replacing all the .example. with their counterparts. For example, becomes in the same directory. Ansible will move those files to the correct directory during installation.
  6. Modify the following files to your likings:
    • authorized_keys - Adding any keys you would like to add to work for the titan user
    • - This is the configuration for the Titan discordbot. Add in your bot token. Keep database-uri as is for now.
    • - This is the configuation for the flask webapp. Enter the information for the Discord's app client-id, client-secret, and bot-token. Enter your paypal client-id and client-secret if you have one. Type something random for app-secret.
    • titan_nginx - Modify the server_name to the domain and tld of yours.
    • /tasks/main.yml - Modify the password field for your database.
    • /playbooks/titan.yml - Modify letsencrypt_email to your e-mail and letsencrypt_cert_domains to your domain.
  7. cd /root/ansible-playbooks and modify hosts file with your domain, replacing
  8. Enable the letsencrypt task by changing the directory to ansible-playbooks/roles/ansible-letsencrypt and run git submodule init and git submodule update --recursive --remote
  9. Now you may let ansible setup the server. Run ansible-playbook -i hosts playbooks/titansetup.yml in the directory ansible-playbooks.
  10. Start the redis server sudo systemctl start redis
  11. Make sure the Titan directory is owned by the titan user. sudo chown -R titan:www-data /home/titan/Titan/
  12. Switch user to titan sudo su titan and edit your database connections in the config files inside /home/titan/Titan: webapp/alembic.ini, webapp/, discordbot/ to postgresql+psycopg2://titan:DatabasePASSWORDHere@localhost:5432/titanembeds?client_encoding=utf8.
  13. Exit titan user exit and run the upgrade tasks cd /root/ansible-playbooks; ansible-playbook -i hosts playbooks/titan.yml --tags "web,bot";.
  14. Congratulations, if everything went well, you have successfully setup Titan Embeds on your own server! A couple of notes for this repository, this is more meant for the project itself to automate and document changes to how we configure our server, but anyone who wants to host this bot on their own is welcome to use this playbook with the proper configuration changes to host this project on your own hardware!


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