As part of this task I created script
that counts number of islands for matrix provided using depth-first search (recursive implementation).
Cell considered to be part of island if it has island's cell as neighbour (up, down, left, right, but not diagonal neighbour). Time complexity: O(number of cells * number of rows), because script visit each cell of matrix only once (in terms of fully processing cell; visit and check if it is visited can be done multiple times).
Created and tested in Python 3.9.13.
- Run a script:
$ python
- Set shape of matrix in form of '{number of rows} {number of cells}' after "Set shape of matrix:"
- Set matrix after "Set matrix:". Cells in a row should be separated by 1 whitespace, each new row should start at a new line (hit Enter, or insert previously copied multiline matrix altogether).
- Script would print message: "Provided matrix has [number] islands." with number of islands.
$ python
Set shape of matrix: 3 4
Set matrix:
0 0 0 1
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 1
Provided matrix has 2 islands.