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Philip Wills committed May 15, 2017
1 parent af72b0b commit 115a890
Showing 1 changed file with 12 additions and 205 deletions.
217 changes: 12 additions & 205 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -18,21 +18,8 @@ libraryDependencies ++= Seq(

Scanamo is published for Scala 2.12 and Scala 2.11


- [Putting and Getting](#putting-and-getting)
- [Querying](#querying)
- [Updating](#updating)
- [Using Indexes](#using-indexes)
- [Non-blocking requests](#non-blocking-requests)
- [Custom formats](#custom-formats)

### Putting and Getting

If you've used the Java SDK to access Dynamo, the most familiar way to use Scanamo
is via the [Scanamo]($.html)
Basic Usage

scala> import
Expand All @@ -44,200 +31,20 @@ scala> val farmersTableResult = LocalDynamoDB.createTable(client)("farmer")('nam

scala> case class Farm(animals: List[String])
scala> case class Farmer(name: String, age: Long, farm: Farm)
scala> val table = Table[Farmer]("farmer")

scala> val putResult = Scanamo.put(client)("farmer")(Farmer("McDonald", 156L, Farm(List("sheep", "cow"))))
scala> Scanamo.get[Farmer](client)("farmer")('name -> "McDonald")
res1: Option[Either[error.DynamoReadError, Farmer]] = Some(Right(Farmer(McDonald,156,Farm(List(sheep, cow)))))

The `Either` represents the possibility that an item might exist, but not be parsable into the given
type, in this case `Farmer`.

Like all the examples in this README and the Scaladoc, this creates a table, so that it
can be checked using [sbt-doctest](, but the same
operations can happily run against pre-existing tables.

### Table

Scanamo provides a [Table](
abstraction to reduce noise when defining multiple operations against the same table:

scala> import
scala> import
scala> import cats.syntax.either._

scala> val client = LocalDynamoDB.client()
scala> import
scala> val winnersTableResult = LocalDynamoDB.createTable(client)("winners")('name -> S)

scala> case class LuckyWinner(name: String, shape: String)
scala> def temptWithGum(child: LuckyWinner): LuckyWinner = child match {
| case LuckyWinner("Violet", _) => LuckyWinner("Violet", "blueberry")
| case winner => winner
| }
scala> val luckyWinners = Table[LuckyWinner]("winners")
scala> val operations = for {
| _ <- luckyWinners.putAll(
| Set(LuckyWinner("Violet", "human"), LuckyWinner("Augustus", "human"), LuckyWinner("Charlie", "human")))
| winners <- luckyWinners.scan()
| winnerList = winners.flatMap(_.toOption).toList
| temptedWinners =
| _ <- luckyWinners.putAll(temptedWinners.toSet)
| results <- luckyWinners.getAll('name -> Set("Charlie", "Violet"))
| } yield results

scala> Scanamo.exec(client)(operations)
res1: Set[Either[error.DynamoReadError, LuckyWinner]] = Set(Right(LuckyWinner(Charlie,human)), Right(LuckyWinner(Violet,blueberry)))

Note that when using `Table` no operations are actually executed against DynamoDB until `exec` is called.

### Querying

It's also possible to make more complex queries:

scala> import
scala> import

scala> val client = LocalDynamoDB.client()
scala> import
scala> val transportTableResult = LocalDynamoDB.createTable(client)("transports")('mode -> S, 'line -> S)
scala> case class Transport(mode: String, line: String)
scala> val transportTable = Table[Transport]("transports")
scala> val operations = for {
| _ <- transportTable.putAll(Set(
| Transport("Underground", "Circle"),
| Transport("Underground", "Metropolitan"),
| Transport("Underground", "Central")
| ))
| tubesStartingWithC <- transportTable.query('mode -> "Underground" and ('line beginsWith "C"))
| } yield tubesStartingWithC.toList

scala> Scanamo.exec(client)(operations)
res1: List[Either[error.DynamoReadError, Transport]] = List(Right(Transport(Underground,Central)), Right(Transport(Underground,Circle)))

### Updating

If you want to update some of the fields of a row, which don't form part of the key,
without replacing it entirely, you can use the `update` operation:

scala> import
scala> import

scala> val client = LocalDynamoDB.client()
scala> import
scala> val teamTableResult = LocalDynamoDB.createTable(client)("teams")('name -> S)
scala> case class Team(name: String, goals: Int, scorers: List[String], mascot: Option[String])
scala> val teamTable = Table[Team]("teams")
scala> val operations = for {
| _ <- teamTable.put(Team("Watford", 1, List("Blissett"), Some("Harry the Hornet")))
| updated <- teamTable.update('name -> "Watford", set('goals -> 2) and append('scorers -> "Barnes") and remove('mascot))
| } yield updated

scala> Scanamo.exec(client)(operations)
res1: Either[error.DynamoReadError, Team] = Right(Team(Watford,2,List(Blissett, Barnes),None))

### Using Indexes

You can also scan and query indexes with Scanamo. In the following example, there is a
table called `transport` with a hash key of `mode` and range key of `line` and a
[global secondary index](
called `colour-index` with only a hash key on the `colour` attribute:

scala> import
scala> import

scala> case class Transport(mode: String, line: String, colour: String)
scala> val transport = Table[Transport]("transport")
scala> val colourIndex = transport.index("colour-index")

scala> val client = LocalDynamoDB.client()
scala> import
scala> LocalDynamoDB.withTableWithSecondaryIndex(client)("transport", "colour-index")('mode -> S, 'line -> S)('colour -> S) {
| val operations = for {
| _ <- transport.putAll(Set(
| Transport("Underground", "Circle", "Yellow"),
| Transport("Underground", "Metropolitan", "Maroon"),
| Transport("Underground", "Central", "Red")))
| maroonLine <- colourIndex.query('colour -> "Maroon")
| } yield maroonLine.toList
| Scanamo.exec(client)(operations)
| }
res0: List[Either[error.DynamoReadError, Transport]] = List(Right(Transport(Underground,Metropolitan,Maroon)))

### Non-blocking requests

Scanamo also supports asynchronous calls to Dynamo:

scala> import
scala> import

scala> import scala.concurrent.duration._
scala> import

scala> val client = LocalDynamoDB.client()
scala> import
scala> val farmersTableResult = LocalDynamoDB.createTable(client)("farm")('name -> S)

scala> case class Farm(animals: List[String])
scala> case class Farmer(name: String, age: Long, farm: Farm)
scala> val farmTable = Table[Farmer]("farm")
scala> val ops = for {
| _ <- farmTable.putAll(Set(
| Farmer("Boggis", 43L, Farm(List("chicken"))),
| Farmer("Bunce", 52L, Farm(List("goose"))),
| Farmer("Bean", 55L, Farm(List("turkey")))
| ))
| bunce <- farmTable.get('name -> "Bunce")
| } yield bunce

scala> concurrent.Await.result(ScanamoAsync.exec(client)(ops), 5.seconds)
res1: Option[Either[error.DynamoReadError, Farmer]] = Some(Right(Farmer(Bunce,52,Farm(List(goose)))))

### Custom Formats

Scanamo uses the `DynamoFormat` type class to define how to read and write
different types to DynamoDB. Scanamo provides such formats for many common
types, but it's also possible to define a serialisation format for types
which Scanamo doesn't provide. For example to store Joda `DateTime` objects
as ISO `String`s in Dynamo:

scala> import org.joda.time._

scala> import
scala> import

scala> case class Foo(dateTime: DateTime)

scala> val client = LocalDynamoDB.client()
scala> import
scala> val fooTableResult = LocalDynamoDB.createTable(client)("foo")('dateTime -> S)

scala> implicit val jodaStringFormat = DynamoFormat.coercedXmap[DateTime, String, IllegalArgumentException](
| DateTime.parse(_).withZone(DateTimeZone.UTC)
| )(
| _.toString
| )
scala> val fooTable = Table[Foo]("foo")
scala> val operations = for {
| _ <- fooTable.put(Foo(new DateTime(0)))
| results <- fooTable.scan()
| } yield results

scala> Scanamo.exec(client)(operations).toList
res1: List[Either[error.DynamoReadError, Foo]] = List(Right(Foo(1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z)))
| _ <- table.putAll(Set(
| Farmer("McDonald", 156L, Farm(List("sheep", "cow"))),
| Farmer("Boggis", 43L, Farm(List("chicken")))
| ))
| mcdonald <- table.get('name -> "McDonald")
| } yield mcdonald
scala> Scanamo.exec(client)(ops)
res1: Option[Either[error.DynamoReadError, Farmer]] = Some(Right(Farmer(McDonald,156,Farm(List(sheep, cow)))))

For more details, please see the [Scanamo site](

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