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Custom words (#36)
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* Sets up Migration for Variable Words

This migration should create the new banned words table, and also copy
the existing server information into the table as defaults

* Extends Dao functionality

The DAO now supports getting and updating banned words

* Userside stuff for Multi-words added.

THe main addition is a new !vtban command to let server admins change
the banned word.

In addition, all the groundwork was laid for interactions with multiple
banned words, aside from an actual interface to add/remove them.
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matthew-robertson authored Sep 10, 2019
1 parent 91b2f9a commit c0a2005
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Showing 7 changed files with 303 additions and 115 deletions.
268 changes: 173 additions & 95 deletions
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import math
import re
import time
from confusables import confusable_regex

from dao.server_dao import ServerDao

# A pattern to match the word vore, and only the single word vore.
betweenStr = r'[\*_~|`\-\.]*'
pattern = re.compile(r'\b' + betweenStr +
r'[Vv]' + betweenStr +
r'[OÒÓÔÕÖoòóôõöᴑо]' + betweenStr +
r'[Rr]' + betweenStr +
r'[EÈÉÊËЕeèéêëе]' + betweenStr +

class Commands(Enum):
Expand All @@ -27,29 +19,30 @@ class Commands(Enum):
VTCT = 6

def parse_time(timeString):
splits = timeString.strip().split(':')
def parse_time(time_string):
splits = time_string.strip().split(':')
if not is_valid_time(splits):
return -1

secondTotal = int(splits[-1])
second_total = int(splits[-1])
if len(splits) >= 2:
secondTotal += int(splits[-2]) * 60
second_total += int(splits[-2]) * 60
if len(splits) >= 3:
secondTotal += int(splits[-3]) * 60 * 60
second_total += int(splits[-3]) * 60 * 60

return secondTotal
return second_total

def is_valid_time(timeSplits):
return all(split.isnumeric() for split in timeSplits) and len(timeSplits) <= 3
def is_valid_time(time_splits):
return all(split.isnumeric() for split in time_splits) and len(time_splits) <= 3

def format_seconds(secondsCount):
currentTime =
return format_time(currentTime, currentTime - datetime.timedelta(seconds=secondsCount))
def format_seconds(seconds_count):
current_time =
return format_time(current_time, current_time - datetime.timedelta(seconds=seconds_count))

def format_time(currentTime, pastTime):
diff = currentTime - pastTime
def format_time(current_time, pastTime):
diff = current_time - pastTime
hours = math.floor(diff.seconds/3600)
minutes = math.floor((diff.seconds - hours*3600)/60)
seconds = diff.seconds - hours*3600 - minutes*60
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -95,9 +88,11 @@ def parse_for_command(msg, msg_author):
return Commands.VTALERT
elif msg.startswith('!vtdelay') and permission.administrator:
return Commands.VTDELAY
elif msg.startswith('!vtban') and permission.administrator:
return Commands.VTBAN

# Check the other commands
if msg.startswith('!vtsilence') or msg.startswith('!vtalert') or msg.startswith('!vtdelay'):
if msg.startswith('!vtsilence') or msg.startswith('!vtalert') or msg.startswith('!vtdelay') or msg.startswith('!vtban'):
return Commands.NEEDADMIN
elif msg.startswith('!vthelp'):
return Commands.VTHELP
Expand All @@ -110,88 +105,171 @@ def parse_for_command(msg, msg_author):

return Commands.NOCOMMAND

def handle_message(server_dao, message, botID, currentTime):
def handle_vtsilence(server_dao, current_server, msg_author):
msg_to_send = "Ok {}, I'll be quiet now. use '!vtalert' to wake me back up!".format(msg_author.mention)
current_server['awake'] = False
return msg_to_send

def handle_vtalert(server_dao, current_server, msg_author):
msg_to_send = "Ok {}, I'm scanning now.".format(msg_author.mention)
current_server['awake'] = True
return msg_to_send

def handle_vtban(server_dao, current_time, banned_words, new_word, msg_author, timeout_length):
if len(new_word) < 1:
return "Sorry, I can't ban the empty string. Please try a message of the form '!vtban [wordToBan]'"

banned_words[0]['banned_word'] = new_word
banned_words[0]['infracted_at'] = current_time
banned_words[0]['calledout_at'] = current_time - datetime.timedelta(seconds=timeout_length)
msg_to_send = "Ok {}, '{}' is now considered a forbidden word.".format(msg_author.mention, new_word)
return msg_to_send

def handle_vtdelay(server_dao, current_server, time_string):
parsed_time = parse_time(time_string)

if parsed_time >= 0:
current_server['timeout_duration_seconds'] = parsed_time
formatted_time = format_seconds(parsed_time)
return "Cool, from now on I'll wait at least {} between alerts.".format(formatted_time)
return "Sorry, I don't understand that formatting. I was expecting something like '!vtct hh:mm:ss'"

def handle_vtct(current_time, current_server, banned_words):
timeout_length = format_seconds(current_server['timeout_duration_seconds'])
msg_to_send = "The cooldown period is {}.".format(timeout_length)

for banned_word in banned_words:
timeoutRemaining = format_time(banned_word['calledout_at'] + datetime.timedelta(seconds=current_server['timeout_duration_seconds']), current_time)
isCooldownActive = (current_time - banned_word['calledout_at']).total_seconds() < current_server['timeout_duration_seconds']
if isCooldownActive:
msg_to_send += "\nI'll be able to issue another alert for '{}' in {}.".format(banned_word['banned_word'], timeoutRemaining)
msg_to_send += "\nI'm ready to issue another warning for '{}' now.".format(banned_word['banned_word'])

return msg_to_send

def handle_vthelp():
msg_to_send = "You can ask me how long we've made it with '!vt'.\n"
msg_to_send += "You can learn how long it's been since my last warning with '!vtlast'.\n"
msg_to_send += "You can learn how long my timeout is set for, and when I can issue another warning with '!vtct'.\n"
msg_to_send += "If you're an admin, you can silence me with '!vtsilence' or wake me back up with '!vtalert'.\n"
msg_to_send += "If you're an admin, you can use '!vtdelay hh:mm:ss` to set the length of the timeout.\n"
msg_to_send += "If you're an admin, you can use '!vtban word_to_ban' to change the banned word for the server.\n"
return msg_to_send

def handle_vtlast(current_time, banned_words):
time_without_warning = format_time(current_time, banned_words[0]['calledout_at'])
msg_to_send = "The server last received a warning for '{}' {} ago.".format(banned_words[0]['banned_word'], time_without_warning)

for banned_word in banned_words[1:]:
time_without_warning = format_time(current_time, banned_word['calledout_at'])
msg_to_send += "\nThe server last received a warning for '{}' {} ago.".format(banned_word['banned_word'], time_without_warning)

return msg_to_send

def handle_vt(current_time, banned_words):
timeLasted = format_time(current_time, banned_words[0]['infracted_at'])
msg_to_send = "The server has gone {} without mentioning '{}'.".format(timeLasted, banned_words[0]['banned_word'])
for banned_word in banned_words[1:]:
timeLasted = format_time(current_time, banned_word['infracted_at'])
msg_to_send += "\nThe server has gone {} without mentioning '{}'.".format(timeLasted, banned_word['banned_word'])

msg_to_send += "\nAs a new feature, server administrators are able to change the banned word using !vtban."
return msg_to_send

def handle_command(found_command, server_dao, current_time, current_server, banned_words, message):
msg_to_send = ""
if found_command is Commands.VTSILENCE:
msg_to_send = handle_vtsilence(server_dao, current_server,
elif found_command is Commands.VTALERT:
msg_to_send = handle_vtalert(server_dao, current_server,
elif found_command is Commands.VTDELAY:
msg_to_send = handle_vtdelay(server_dao, current_server, message.content[8:])
elif found_command is Commands.VTBAN:
new_word = message.content[6:].lstrip().split(' ')[0]
msg_to_send = handle_vtban(server_dao, current_time, banned_words, new_word,, current_server['timeout_duration_seconds'])
elif found_command is Commands.VTCT:
msg_to_send = handle_vtct(current_time, current_server, banned_words)
elif found_command is Commands.VTHELP:
msg_to_send = handle_vthelp()
elif found_command is Commands.VTLAST:
msg_to_send = handle_vtlast(current_time, banned_words)
elif found_command is Commands.VT:
msg_to_send = handle_vt(current_time, banned_words)

return msg_to_send

def detect_banned_word(message, banned_word):
pattern = confusable_regex(banned_word, True)
if, message) is not None:
return True
return False

def handle_detected_banned_word(server_dao, current_time, current_server, message, banned_word):
time_lasted = format_time(current_time, banned_word['infracted_at'])
timeout_length = format_seconds(current_server['timeout_duration_seconds'])
is_cooldown_active = (current_time - banned_word['calledout_at']).total_seconds() < current_server['timeout_duration_seconds']
tDiff = current_time - banned_word['infracted_at']
banned_word['infracted_at'] = current_time

msg_to_send = ""
if (current_server['awake'] and not is_cooldown_active):
banned_word['calledout_at'] = current_time
msg_to_send = "{} referenced a forbidden word, setting its counter back to 0.\n".format(
msg_to_send += "I'll wait {} before warning you for this word again.\n".format(timeout_length)
msg_to_send += "The server went {} without mentioning the forbidden word '{}'.".format(time_lasted, banned_word['banned_word'])

print("{}::: {} lasted {} seconds.".format(current_time, current_server['server_id'], (tDiff).total_seconds()))
return msg_to_send

def handle_message(server_dao, message, botID, current_time):
if not message.server or
return False

msg_to_send = False
serverId =
currentServer = server_dao.get_server(serverId)
if currentServer is None:
currentServer = {}
currentServer['server_id'] = serverId
return ""

server_id =
current_server = server_dao.get_server(server_id)
if current_server is None:
current_server = {}
current_server['server_id'] = server_id
bot = None
for x in message.server.members:
if botID ==
bot = x

fromUTC = - datetime.datetime.utcnow()
currentServer['infracted_at'] = bot.joined_at + fromUTC
currentServer['calledout_at'] = bot.joined_at + fromUTC - datetime.timedelta(minutes=60)
currentServer['awake'] = True
currentServer['timeout_duration_seconds'] = 1800

timeLasted = format_time(currentTime, currentServer['infracted_at'])
timeoutLength = format_seconds(currentServer['timeout_duration_seconds'])
isCooldownActive = (currentTime - currentServer['calledout_at']).total_seconds() < currentServer['timeout_duration_seconds']
timeoutRemaining = format_time(currentServer['calledout_at'] + datetime.timedelta(seconds=currentServer['timeout_duration_seconds']), currentTime)

foundCommand = parse_for_command(message.content,
if foundCommand is Commands.VTSILENCE:
msg_to_send = "Ok {}, I'll be quiet now. use '!vtalert' to wake me back up!".format(
currentServer['awake'] = False
elif foundCommand is Commands.VTALERT:
msg_to_send = "Ok {}, I'm scanning now.".format(
currentServer['awake'] = True
elif foundCommand is Commands.VTDELAY:
time_string = message.content[8:]
parsed_time = parse_time(time_string)

if parsed_time >= 0:
formatted_time = format_seconds(parsed_time)
msg_to_send = "Cool, from now on I'll wait at least {} between alerts.".format(formatted_time)

currentServer['timeout_duration_seconds'] = parsed_time
msg_to_send = "Sorry, I don't understand that formatting. I was expecting something like '!vtct hh:mm:ss'"
elif foundCommand is Commands.VTCT:
msg_to_send = "The cooldown period is {}.\n".format(timeoutLength)
if isCooldownActive:
msg_to_send += "I'll be able to issue another alert in {}.".format(timeoutRemaining)
msg_to_send += "I'm ready to issue another warning now."
elif foundCommand is Commands.VTHELP:
msg_to_send = "You can ask me how long we've made it with '!vt'.\n"
msg_to_send += "You can learn how long it's been since my last warning with '!vtlast'.\n"
msg_to_send += "You can learn how long my timeout is set for, and when I can issue another warning with '!vtct'.\n"
msg_to_send += "If you're an admin, you can silence me with '!vtsilence' or wake me back up with '!vtalert'.\n"
msg_to_send += "If you're an admin, you can use '!vtdelay hh:mm:ss` to set the length of the timeout."
elif foundCommand is Commands.VTLAST:
timeWithoutWarning = format_time(currentTime, currentServer['calledout_at'])
msg_to_send = "The server last received a warning {} ago.".format(timeWithoutWarning)
elif foundCommand is Commands.VT:
msg_to_send = "The server has gone {} without mentioning the forbidden word.".format(timeLasted)
current_server['awake'] = True
current_server['timeout_duration_seconds'] = 1800
server_dao.insert_default_banned_word(server_id, bot.joined_at + fromUTC)

banned_words = server_dao.get_banned_words_for_server(server_id)

found_command = parse_for_command(message.content,
msg_to_send = handle_command(found_command, server_dao, current_time, current_server, banned_words, message)

# Check if they've said the forbidden word
if is not None:
tDiff = currentTime - currentServer['infracted_at']
currentServer['infracted_at'] = currentTime

if (currentServer['awake'] and not isCooldownActive):
currentServer['calledout_at'] = currentTime
msg_to_send = "{} referenced the forbidden word, setting the counter back to 0.\n".format(
msg_to_send += "I'll wait {} before warning you again.\n".format(timeoutLength)
msg_to_send += "The server went {} without mentioning the forbidden word.".format(timeLasted)

print("{}::: {} lasted {} seconds.".format(currentTime, serverId, (tDiff).total_seconds()))
banned_word_msg = ""
if not found_command is Commands.VTBAN:
for banned_word in banned_words:
contains_banned_word = detect_banned_word(message.content, banned_word['banned_word'])
if contains_banned_word:
temp_msg = handle_detected_banned_word(server_dao, current_time, current_server, message, banned_word)
if len(banned_word_msg):
banned_word_msg += "\n"
banned_word_msg += temp_msg

return msg_to_send
if len(msg_to_send) and len(banned_word_msg):
msg_to_send += "\n"
return msg_to_send + banned_word_msg

def run_bot(conn, shard_id, shard_count, client_key):
client = discord.Client(shard_id=shard_id, shard_count=shard_count)
Expand All @@ -207,7 +285,7 @@ async def on_ready():
async def on_message_edit(before, message):
msg_to_send = handle_message(server_dao, message,,
if msg_to_send:
if len(msg_to_send):
await client.send_message(, msg_to_send)

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