GongAPI - the Ruby gem for the Gong API
The Gong API allows you to:
- Receive the following information from Gong:
- Upload new or update call recordings in Gong, in order to support cases where you have an internal system that records calls or obtains them from a third-party entity.
- Data Privacy: Delete users and all their associated elements.
- Upload CRM data into Gong.
Base URL for all API calls is https://us-55616.api.gong.io
There are two ways to retrieve credentials to the Gong Public API:
Retrieve Manually: In the Gong API Page (you must be a technical administrator in Gong), click "Create" to receive an Access Key and an Access Key Secret. Use the Basic Authorization HTTP header (as per RFC) to access the Public API as shown below:
Authorization: Basic <token>
To create the basic token, combine the Access Key and the Access Key Secret with colon (:) and then encode in Base64 as following:Base64(<accessKey> : <accessKeySecret>)
Retrieve through OAuth To obtain the Bearer token, follow the steps described in the Gong OAuth Guide.
After obtaining the token, use the Bearer Authorization HTTP header (as per RFC) to access the Public API as shown below:
Authorization: Bearer <token>
By default Gong limits your company's access to the service to 3 API calls per second, and 10,000 API calls per day.
When the rate of API calls exceeds these limits an HTTP status code 429 is returned and a Retry-After header indicates how many seconds to wait before making a new request.
If required, contact [email protected] to change these limits.
Some API calls that return a list are limited in the amount of records they may return, so multiple API calls may be required to bring all records. Such an API call also returns a records field, which contains the number of records in the current page, the current page number and the total number of records.
In cases where the total number of records exceeds the number of records thus far retrieved, the records field will also contain a cursor field which can be used to access the next page of records. To retrieve the next page, repeat the API call with the cursor value as supplied by the previous API call. All other request inputs should remain the same.
When coding a system to accept Gong data, take into account that Gong may, without prior warning, add fields to the JSON output. It is recommended to future proof your code so that it disregards all JSON fields you don't actually use.
This SDK is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: V2
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Build date: 2023-01-20T15:01:29.073752+01:00[Europe/Belgrade]
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.v3.generators.ruby.RubyClientCodegen
gem install gong_api
If you're using Bundler, you can add this to your Gemfile
gem 'gong_api'
To build the Ruby code into a gem:
gem build gong_api.gemspec
Then install the gem locally:
gem install ./gong_api-1.0.0.gem
(for development, run gem install --dev ./gong_api-1.0.0.gem
to install the development dependencies)
If the Ruby gem is hosted at a git repository: https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID, then add the following in the Gemfile:
gem 'gong_api', :git => 'https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID.git'
Include the Ruby code directly using -I
as follows:
ruby -Ilib script.rb
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following code:
# Load the gem
require 'gong_api'
api_instance = GongAPI::AuditingApi.new
from_date_time = 'from_date_time_example' # String | The time from which to retrieve log records, in the ISO-8601 format (e.g., '2018-02-18T02:30:00-07:00' or '2018-02-18T08:00:00Z', where Z stands for UTC).
log_type = 'log_type_example' # String | Type of logs requested.
opts = {
cursor: 'cursor_example', # String | When paging is needed, provide the value supplied by the previous API call to bring the following page of records.
to_date_time: 'to_date_time_example' # String | The time until which to retrieve log records, in the ISO-8601 format (e.g., '2018-02-18T02:30:00-07:00' or '2018-02-18T08:00:00Z', where Z stands for UTC); if not specified, the logs end with the latest recorded log.
#Retrieve logs data by type and time range (/v2/logs)
result = api_instance.list_logs_using_get(from_date_time, log_type, opts)
p result
rescue GongAPI::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling AuditingApi->list_logs_using_get: #{e}"
api_instance = GongAPI::CRMApi.new
client_request_id = 'client_request_id_example' # String | A unique identifier sent by you to allow troubleshooting requests. Valid characters for this field are letters, numbers, dashes and underscores.
integration_id = 789 # Integer | Integration ID generated when creating the integration
#Delete a Generic CRM integration (/v2/crm/integration/delete)
result = api_instance.delete_generic_crm_integration_using_delete(client_request_id, integration_id)
p result
rescue GongAPI::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CRMApi->delete_generic_crm_integration_using_delete: #{e}"
api_instance = GongAPI::CRMApi.new
body = ['body_example'] # Array<String> | Requested objects crm ids
integration_id = 789 # Integer | Integration ID generated when creating the integration
object_type = 'object_type_example' # String | Requested objects type
#Get CRM objects (/v2/crm/object/list)
result = api_instance.get_crm_objects_using_get(body, integration_id, object_type)
p result
rescue GongAPI::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CRMApi->get_crm_objects_using_get: #{e}"
api_instance = GongAPI::CRMApi.new
client_request_id = 'client_request_id_example' # String | <span style='background: rgba(9,30,66,0.08)'>clientRequestId</span> sent to \"/map/users\", \"/object/entities\" or \"/integration/delete\" API
integration_id = 789 # Integer | Integration ID generated when creating the integration
#Get Request Status (/v2/crm/request-status)
result = api_instance.get_request_status_using_get(client_request_id, integration_id)
p result
rescue GongAPI::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CRMApi->get_request_status_using_get: #{e}"
api_instance = GongAPI::CRMApi.new
integration_id = 789 # Integer | Integration ID generated when creating the integration
object_type = 'object_type_example' # String | Type of object to retrieve the schema fields for (case-sensitive). <br>Omitting this parameter returns the schema for all object types.
#List Schema Fields (/v2/crm/object/schema/list)
result = api_instance.list_crm_schema_fields_using_get(integration_id, object_type)
p result
rescue GongAPI::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CRMApi->list_crm_schema_fields_using_get: #{e}"
api_instance = GongAPI::CRMApi.new
#Get Generic CRM integration details (/v2/crm/integration/list)
result = api_instance.list_generic_crm_integration_using_get
p result
rescue GongAPI::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CRMApi->list_generic_crm_integration_using_get: #{e}"
api_instance = GongAPI::CRMApi.new
opts = {
data_file: 'data_file_example' # String |
#Map Users (Deprecated)
result = api_instance.map_crm_users_using_post(opts)
p result
rescue GongAPI::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CRMApi->map_crm_users_using_post: #{e}"
api_instance = GongAPI::CRMApi.new
body = GongAPI::GenericCrmRegistrationRequest.new # GenericCrmRegistrationRequest | registrationRequest
#Register a Generic CRM integration (/v2/crm/integration/new)
result = api_instance.register_generic_crm_integration_using_put(body)
p result
rescue GongAPI::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CRMApi->register_generic_crm_integration_using_put: #{e}"
api_instance = GongAPI::CRMApi.new
opts = {
data_file: 'data_file_example' # String |
#Upload CRM objects (/v2/crm/object/entities)
result = api_instance.upload_crm_data_using_post(opts)
p result
rescue GongAPI::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CRMApi->upload_crm_data_using_post: #{e}"
api_instance = GongAPI::CRMApi.new
body = [GongAPI::GenericSchemaFieldRequest.new] # Array<GenericSchemaFieldRequest> | fields
integration_id = 789 # Integer | Integration ID generated when creating the integration
object_type = 'object_type_example' # String | Type of object to set the schema for (case-sensitive)
#Upload Object Schema (/v2/crm/object/schema)
result = api_instance.upload_crm_schema_field_using_post(body, integration_id, object_type)
p result
rescue GongAPI::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CRMApi->upload_crm_schema_field_using_post: #{e}"
api_instance = GongAPI::CRMApi.new
body = [GongAPI::GenericDealStageRequest.new] # Array<GenericDealStageRequest> | stages
integration_id = 789 # Integer | Integration ID generated when creating the integration
#Upload Stages (Deprecated)
result = api_instance.upload_stages_using_post(body, integration_id)
p result
rescue GongAPI::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CRMApi->upload_stages_using_post: #{e}"
api_instance = GongAPI::CallsApi.new
id = 'id_example' # String | callId returned from 'Add New Call' request
opts = {
media_file: 'media_file_example' # String |
#Add call media (/v2/calls/{id}/media)
result = api_instance.add_call_recording_using_put(id, opts)
p result
rescue GongAPI::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CallsApi->add_call_recording_using_put: #{e}"
api_instance = GongAPI::CallsApi.new
body = GongAPI::NewCallAddingRequest.new # NewCallAddingRequest | newCallAddingRequest
#Add new call (/v2/calls)
result = api_instance.add_call_using_post(body)
p result
rescue GongAPI::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CallsApi->add_call_using_post: #{e}"
api_instance = GongAPI::CallsApi.new
body = GongAPI::RequestCallsFilter.new # RequestCallsFilter | callsRequest
#Retrieve transcripts of calls by date or callIds (/v2/calls/transcript)
result = api_instance.get_call_transcripts_using_post(body)
p result
rescue GongAPI::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CallsApi->get_call_transcripts_using_post: #{e}"
api_instance = GongAPI::CallsApi.new
id = 'id_example' # String | Gong's unique numeric identifier for the call (up to 20 digits).
#Retrieve data for a specific call (/v2/calls/{id})
result = api_instance.get_call_using_get(id)
p result
rescue GongAPI::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CallsApi->get_call_using_get: #{e}"
api_instance = GongAPI::CallsApi.new
body = GongAPI::RequestCallsRequestFilterWithOwnersContentSelector.new # RequestCallsRequestFilterWithOwnersContentSelector | callsRequest
#Retrieve detailed call data by various filters (/v2/calls/extensive)
result = api_instance.list_calls_extensive_using_post(body)
p result
rescue GongAPI::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CallsApi->list_calls_extensive_using_post: #{e}"
api_instance = GongAPI::CallsApi.new
from_date_time = 'from_date_time_example' # String | The date from which to list calls, in the ISO-8601 format (e.g., '2018-02-18T02:30:00-07:00' or '2018-02-18T08:00:00Z', where Z stands for UTC); if not specified, the calls start with the earliest recorded call. For web-conference calls recorded by Gong, the date denotes its scheduled time, otherwise, it denotes its actual start time.
to_date_time = 'to_date_time_example' # String | The date until which to list calls, in the ISO-8601 format (e.g., '2018-02-18T02:30:00-07:00' or '2018-02-18T08:00:00Z', where Z stands for UTC); if not specified, the calls end with the latest recorded call. For web-conference calls recorded by Gong, the date denotes its scheduled time, otherwise, it denotes its actual start time.
opts = {
cursor: 'cursor_example', # String | When paging is needed, provide the value supplied by the previous API call to bring the following page of records.
workspace_id: 'workspace_id_example' # String | Optional Workspace identifier, if supplied the API will return only the calls belonging to this workspace.
#Retrieve call data by date range (/v2/calls)
result = api_instance.list_calls_using_get(from_date_time, to_date_time, opts)
p result
rescue GongAPI::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CallsApi->list_calls_using_get: #{e}"
api_instance = GongAPI::CallsApi.new
opts = {
cursor: 'cursor_example', # String | When paging is needed, provide the value supplied by the previous API call to bring the following page of records.
from_date_time: 'from_date_time_example' # String | Association time filter - only the associations made after that time will be listed. The time is in the ISO-8601 format (e.g., '2018-02-18T02:30:00-07:00' or '2018-02-18T08:00:00Z', where Z stands for UTC); if not specified all association events will be listed.
#List all calls that were manually associated with CRM objects (/v2/calls/manual-crm-associations) in Beta Phase
result = api_instance.list_crm_calls_manual_association_using_get(opts)
p result
rescue GongAPI::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CallsApi->list_crm_calls_manual_association_using_get: #{e}"
api_instance = GongAPI::DataPrivacyApi.new
email_address = 'email_address_example' # String | The email address.
#Retrieve all references to an email address. (/v2/data-privacy/data-for-email-address)
result = api_instance.find_all_references_to_email_address_using_get(email_address)
p result
rescue GongAPI::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling DataPrivacyApi->find_all_references_to_email_address_using_get: #{e}"
api_instance = GongAPI::DataPrivacyApi.new
phone_number = 'phone_number_example' # String | The phone number. This number must start with a + (plus) sign followed by the country code, area code, and local phone number. All other non-digits are ignored. The following are examples of permitted phone numbers: +1 425 555 2671, +1-425-555-2671, +1 425 5552671, +14255552671, +1 425 555 26 71, +1(425) 555-2671, etc. Note: This parameter should be URL-encoded.
#Retrieve all references to a phone number. (/v2/data-privacy/data-for-phone-number)
result = api_instance.find_all_references_to_phone_number_using_get(phone_number)
p result
rescue GongAPI::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling DataPrivacyApi->find_all_references_to_phone_number_using_get: #{e}"
api_instance = GongAPI::DataPrivacyApi.new
email_address = 'email_address_example' # String | The email address.
#Delete the email address, and all associated elements (/v2/data-privacy/erase-data-for-email-address)
result = api_instance.purge_email_address_using_post(email_address)
p result
rescue GongAPI::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling DataPrivacyApi->purge_email_address_using_post: #{e}"
api_instance = GongAPI::DataPrivacyApi.new
phone_number = 'phone_number_example' # String | The phone number. This number must start with a + (plus) sign followed by the country code, area code, and local phone number. All other non-digits are ignored. The following are examples of permitted phone numbers: +1 425 555 2671, +1-425-555-2671, +1 425 5552671, +14255552671, +1 425 555 26 71, +1(425) 555-2671, etc. Note: This parameter should be URL-encoded.
#Delete the phone number, and all associated elements (/v2/data-privacy/erase-data-for-phone-number)
result = api_instance.purge_phone_number_using_post(phone_number)
p result
rescue GongAPI::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling DataPrivacyApi->purge_phone_number_using_post: #{e}"
api_instance = GongAPI::EngagementInBetaPhaseApi.new
body = GongAPI::ContentSharedEvent.new # ContentSharedEvent | request
#Report event of a content share (/v2/customer-engagement/content/shared)
result = api_instance.content_shared_using_put(body)
p result
rescue GongAPI::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling EngagementInBetaPhaseApi->content_shared_using_put: #{e}"
api_instance = GongAPI::EngagementInBetaPhaseApi.new
body = GongAPI::ContentViewedEvent.new # ContentViewedEvent | request
#Report event of a content view (/v2/customer-engagement/content/viewed)
result = api_instance.content_viewed_using_put(body)
p result
rescue GongAPI::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling EngagementInBetaPhaseApi->content_viewed_using_put: #{e}"
api_instance = GongAPI::EngagementInBetaPhaseApi.new
body = GongAPI::CustomActionEvent.new # CustomActionEvent | request
#Report event of a custom action (/v2/customer-engagement/action)
result = api_instance.custom_action_using_put(body)
p result
rescue GongAPI::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling EngagementInBetaPhaseApi->custom_action_using_put: #{e}"
api_instance = GongAPI::LibraryApi.new
opts = {
folder_id: 'folder_id_example' # String | Gong's unique numeric identifier for the folder (up to 20 digits).
#List of calls in a specific folder (/v2/library/folder-content)
result = api_instance.get_calls_in_specific_folder_using_get(opts)
p result
rescue GongAPI::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling LibraryApi->get_calls_in_specific_folder_using_get: #{e}"
api_instance = GongAPI::LibraryApi.new
opts = {
workspace_id: 'workspace_id_example' # String | Workspace identifier. We will retrieve folders which are related to this specific workspace.
#Retrieve Library folders (/v2/library/folders)
result = api_instance.get_library_structure_using_get(opts)
p result
rescue GongAPI::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling LibraryApi->get_library_structure_using_get: #{e}"
api_instance = GongAPI::MeetingsInBetaPhaseApi.new
body = GongAPI::NewMeetingRequest.new # NewMeetingRequest | newMeetingRequest
#Create a New Gong Meeting (/v2/meetings)
result = api_instance.add_meeting_using_post(body)
p result
rescue GongAPI::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling MeetingsInBetaPhaseApi->add_meeting_using_post: #{e}"
api_instance = GongAPI::MeetingsInBetaPhaseApi.new
body = GongAPI::DeleteMeetingRequest.new # DeleteMeetingRequest | request
meeting_id = 789 # Integer | Gong's unique identifier for the meeting (up to 20 digits).
#Delete a Gong Meeting (/v2/meetings)
result = api_instance.delete_meeting_using_delete(body, meeting_id)
p result
rescue GongAPI::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling MeetingsInBetaPhaseApi->delete_meeting_using_delete: #{e}"
api_instance = GongAPI::MeetingsInBetaPhaseApi.new
body = GongAPI::IntegrationStatusRequest.new # IntegrationStatusRequest | integrationStatusRequest
#Validate Gong meeting Integration (/v2/meetings/integration/status)
result = api_instance.integration_status_using_post(body)
p result
rescue GongAPI::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling MeetingsInBetaPhaseApi->integration_status_using_post: #{e}"
api_instance = GongAPI::MeetingsInBetaPhaseApi.new
body = GongAPI::UpdateMeetingRequest.new # UpdateMeetingRequest | updateMeetingRequest
meeting_id = 789 # Integer | Gong's unique identifier for the meeting (up to 20 digits).
#Update a Gong Meeting (/v2/meetings/{meetingId})
result = api_instance.update_meeting_using_put(body, meeting_id)
p result
rescue GongAPI::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling MeetingsInBetaPhaseApi->update_meeting_using_put: #{e}"
api_instance = GongAPI::PermissionsApi.new
body = GongAPI::CallsUsersAccessAddDto.new # CallsUsersAccessAddDto | callsUsersAccessAddDto
#Give individual users access to calls (/v2/calls/users-access)
result = api_instance.add_users_access_to_calls_using_put(body)
p result
rescue GongAPI::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling PermissionsApi->add_users_access_to_calls_using_put: #{e}"
api_instance = GongAPI::PermissionsApi.new
body = GongAPI::PermissionProfileDTO.new # PermissionProfileDTO | permissionProfileDTO
workspace_id = 'workspace_id_example' # String | Workspace identifier. You can retrieve the workspace using the \"workspaces\" (under \"Settings\") API.
#Create permission profile (/v2/permission-profile)
result = api_instance.create_permission_profile_using_post(body, workspace_id)
p result
rescue GongAPI::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling PermissionsApi->create_permission_profile_using_post: #{e}"
api_instance = GongAPI::PermissionsApi.new
body = GongAPI::CallsUsersAccessDeleteDto.new # CallsUsersAccessDeleteDto | callsUsersAccessDeleteDto
#Remove specific individual users access from calls (/v2/calls/users-access)
result = api_instance.delete_users_access_to_calls_using_delete(body)
p result
rescue GongAPI::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling PermissionsApi->delete_users_access_to_calls_using_delete: #{e}"
api_instance = GongAPI::PermissionsApi.new
profile_id = 'profile_id_example' # String | Permission profile identifier.
#Permission profile for a given profile Id (/v2/permission-profile)
result = api_instance.get_permission_profile_using_get(profile_id)
p result
rescue GongAPI::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling PermissionsApi->get_permission_profile_using_get: #{e}"
api_instance = GongAPI::PermissionsApi.new
body = GongAPI::RequestCallsAccessGetDto.new # RequestCallsAccessGetDto | callsAccessGetDto
#Retrieve users that have specific individual access to calls (/v2/calls/users-access)
result = api_instance.get_users_access_to_calls_using_get(body)
p result
rescue GongAPI::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling PermissionsApi->get_users_access_to_calls_using_get: #{e}"
api_instance = GongAPI::PermissionsApi.new
profile_id = 'profile_id_example' # String | Permission profile identifier.
#List all users attached to a given permission profile (/v2/permission-profile/users)
result = api_instance.list_permission_profile_users_using_get(profile_id)
p result
rescue GongAPI::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling PermissionsApi->list_permission_profile_users_using_get: #{e}"
api_instance = GongAPI::PermissionsApi.new
workspace_id = 'workspace_id_example' # String | Workspace identifier, the API will return only the profiles belonging to this workspace. You can retrieve the workspace using the \"workspaces\" (under \"Settings\") API.
#List all company permission profiles for a given workspace (/v2/all-permission-profiles)
result = api_instance.list_permission_profile_using_get(workspace_id)
p result
rescue GongAPI::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling PermissionsApi->list_permission_profile_using_get: #{e}"
api_instance = GongAPI::PermissionsApi.new
body = GongAPI::PermissionProfileDTO.new # PermissionProfileDTO | permissionProfileDTO
profile_id = 'profile_id_example' # String | Permission profile identifier.
#Update permission profile (/v2/permission-profile)
result = api_instance.update_permission_profile_using_put(body, profile_id)
p result
rescue GongAPI::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling PermissionsApi->update_permission_profile_using_put: #{e}"
api_instance = GongAPI::SettingsApi.new
#Retrieve scorecards details (/v2/settings/scorecards)
result = api_instance.list_scorecards_using_get
p result
rescue GongAPI::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling SettingsApi->list_scorecards_using_get: #{e}"
api_instance = GongAPI::SettingsApi.new
#List all company workspaces (/v2/workspaces)
result = api_instance.list_workspaces_using_get
p result
rescue GongAPI::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling SettingsApi->list_workspaces_using_get: #{e}"
api_instance = GongAPI::StatsApi.new
body = GongAPI::RequestAnsweredScorecardsFilter.new # RequestAnsweredScorecardsFilter | answeredScorecardsRequest
#Retrieve answered scorecards for applicable reviewed users or scorecards for a date range (/v2/stats/activity/scorecards)
result = api_instance.list_answered_scorecards_using_post(body)
p result
rescue GongAPI::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling StatsApi->list_answered_scorecards_using_post: #{e}"
api_instance = GongAPI::StatsApi.new
body = GongAPI::RequestMultipleUsersWithDates.new # RequestMultipleUsersWithDates | statsRequest
#Retrieve interaction stats for applicable users by date (/v2/stats/interaction)
result = api_instance.list_interaction_stats_using_post(body)
p result
rescue GongAPI::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling StatsApi->list_interaction_stats_using_post: #{e}"
api_instance = GongAPI::StatsApi.new
body = GongAPI::RequestMultipleUsersWithDates.new # RequestMultipleUsersWithDates | multipleUsersRequest
#Retrieve aggregated activity for defined users by date (/v2/stats/activity/aggregate)
result = api_instance.list_multiple_users_aggregate_activity_using_post(body)
p result
rescue GongAPI::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling StatsApi->list_multiple_users_aggregate_activity_using_post: #{e}"
api_instance = GongAPI::StatsApi.new
body = GongAPI::RequestWithTimePeriodMultipleUsersWithDates.new # RequestWithTimePeriodMultipleUsersWithDates | multipleUsersRequest
#Retrieve aggregated activity for defined users by a date range with grouping in time periods (/v2/stats/activity/aggregate-by-period)
result = api_instance.list_multiple_users_aggregate_by_period_using_post(body)
p result
rescue GongAPI::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling StatsApi->list_multiple_users_aggregate_by_period_using_post: #{e}"
api_instance = GongAPI::StatsApi.new
body = GongAPI::RequestMultipleUsersWithDates.new # RequestMultipleUsersWithDates | multipleUsersRequest
#Retrieve daily activity for applicable users for a date range (/v2/stats/activity/day-by-day)
result = api_instance.list_multiple_users_day_by_day_activity_using_post(body)
p result
rescue GongAPI::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling StatsApi->list_multiple_users_day_by_day_activity_using_post: #{e}"
api_instance = GongAPI::UsersApi.new
id = 'id_example' # String | Gong's unique numeric identifier for the user (up to 20 digits).
#Retrieve user history (/v2/users/{id}/settings-history)
result = api_instance.get_user_history_using_get(id)
p result
rescue GongAPI::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling UsersApi->get_user_history_using_get: #{e}"
api_instance = GongAPI::UsersApi.new
id = 'id_example' # String | Gong's unique numeric identifier for the user (up to 20 digits).
#Retrieve user (/v2/users/{id})
result = api_instance.get_user_using_get(id)
p result
rescue GongAPI::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling UsersApi->get_user_using_get: #{e}"
api_instance = GongAPI::UsersApi.new
body = GongAPI::RequestMultipleUsersRequestWithCreationDates.new # RequestMultipleUsersRequestWithCreationDates | multipleUsersRequest
#List users by filter (/v2/users/extensive)
result = api_instance.list_multiple_users_using_post(body)
p result
rescue GongAPI::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling UsersApi->list_multiple_users_using_post: #{e}"
api_instance = GongAPI::UsersApi.new
opts = {
cursor: 'cursor_example', # String | When paging is needed, provide the value supplied by the previous API call to bring the following page of records.
include_avatars: true # BOOLEAN | Avatars are synthetic users representing Gong employees (CSMs and support providers) when they access your instance. References to avatars' IDs may be found in the outputs of other API endpoints. This parameter is optional, if not provided avatars will not be included in the results.
#List all users (/v2/users)
result = api_instance.list_users_using_get(opts)
p result
rescue GongAPI::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling UsersApi->list_users_using_get: #{e}"
All URIs are relative to //
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
GongAPI::AuditingApi | list_logs_using_get | GET /v2/logs | Retrieve logs data by type and time range (/v2/logs) |
GongAPI::CRMApi | delete_generic_crm_integration_using_delete | DELETE /v2/crm/integration/delete | Delete a Generic CRM integration (/v2/crm/integration/delete) |
GongAPI::CRMApi | get_crm_objects_using_get | GET /v2/crm/object/list | Get CRM objects (/v2/crm/object/list) |
GongAPI::CRMApi | get_request_status_using_get | GET /v2/crm/request-status | Get Request Status (/v2/crm/request-status) |
GongAPI::CRMApi | list_crm_schema_fields_using_get | GET /v2/crm/object/schema/list | List Schema Fields (/v2/crm/object/schema/list) |
GongAPI::CRMApi | list_generic_crm_integration_using_get | GET /v2/crm/integration/list | Get Generic CRM integration details (/v2/crm/integration/list) |
GongAPI::CRMApi | map_crm_users_using_post | POST /v2/crm/map/users | Map Users (Deprecated) |
GongAPI::CRMApi | register_generic_crm_integration_using_put | PUT /v2/crm/integration/new | Register a Generic CRM integration (/v2/crm/integration/new) |
GongAPI::CRMApi | upload_crm_data_using_post | POST /v2/crm/object/entities | Upload CRM objects (/v2/crm/object/entities) |
GongAPI::CRMApi | upload_crm_schema_field_using_post | POST /v2/crm/object/schema | Upload Object Schema (/v2/crm/object/schema) |
GongAPI::CRMApi | upload_stages_using_post | POST /v2/crm/stages | Upload Stages (Deprecated) |
GongAPI::CallsApi | add_call_recording_using_put | PUT /v2/calls/{id}/media | Add call media (/v2/calls/{id}/media) |
GongAPI::CallsApi | add_call_using_post | POST /v2/calls | Add new call (/v2/calls) |
GongAPI::CallsApi | get_call_transcripts_using_post | POST /v2/calls/transcript | Retrieve transcripts of calls by date or callIds (/v2/calls/transcript) |
GongAPI::CallsApi | get_call_using_get | GET /v2/calls/{id} | Retrieve data for a specific call (/v2/calls/{id}) |
GongAPI::CallsApi | list_calls_extensive_using_post | POST /v2/calls/extensive | Retrieve detailed call data by various filters (/v2/calls/extensive) |
GongAPI::CallsApi | list_calls_using_get | GET /v2/calls | Retrieve call data by date range (/v2/calls) |
GongAPI::CallsApi | list_crm_calls_manual_association_using_get | GET /v2/calls/manual-crm-associations | List all calls that were manually associated with CRM objects (/v2/calls/manual-crm-associations) in Beta Phase |
GongAPI::DataPrivacyApi | find_all_references_to_email_address_using_get | GET /v2/data-privacy/data-for-email-address | Retrieve all references to an email address. (/v2/data-privacy/data-for-email-address) |
GongAPI::DataPrivacyApi | find_all_references_to_phone_number_using_get | GET /v2/data-privacy/data-for-phone-number | Retrieve all references to a phone number. (/v2/data-privacy/data-for-phone-number) |
GongAPI::DataPrivacyApi | purge_email_address_using_post | POST /v2/data-privacy/erase-data-for-email-address | Delete the email address, and all associated elements (/v2/data-privacy/erase-data-for-email-address) |
GongAPI::DataPrivacyApi | purge_phone_number_using_post | POST /v2/data-privacy/erase-data-for-phone-number | Delete the phone number, and all associated elements (/v2/data-privacy/erase-data-for-phone-number) |
GongAPI::EngagementInBetaPhaseApi | content_shared_using_put | PUT /v2/customer-engagement/content/shared | Report event of a content share (/v2/customer-engagement/content/shared) |
GongAPI::EngagementInBetaPhaseApi | content_viewed_using_put | PUT /v2/customer-engagement/content/viewed | Report event of a content view (/v2/customer-engagement/content/viewed) |
GongAPI::EngagementInBetaPhaseApi | custom_action_using_put | PUT /v2/customer-engagement/action | Report event of a custom action (/v2/customer-engagement/action) |
GongAPI::LibraryApi | get_calls_in_specific_folder_using_get | GET /v2/library/folder-content | List of calls in a specific folder (/v2/library/folder-content) |
GongAPI::LibraryApi | get_library_structure_using_get | GET /v2/library/folders | Retrieve Library folders (/v2/library/folders) |
GongAPI::MeetingsInBetaPhaseApi | add_meeting_using_post | POST /v2/meetings | Create a New Gong Meeting (/v2/meetings) |
GongAPI::MeetingsInBetaPhaseApi | delete_meeting_using_delete | DELETE /v2/meetings/{meetingId} | Delete a Gong Meeting (/v2/meetings) |
GongAPI::MeetingsInBetaPhaseApi | integration_status_using_post | POST /v2/meetings/integration/status | Validate Gong meeting Integration (/v2/meetings/integration/status) |
GongAPI::MeetingsInBetaPhaseApi | update_meeting_using_put | PUT /v2/meetings/{meetingId} | Update a Gong Meeting (/v2/meetings/{meetingId}) |
GongAPI::PermissionsApi | add_users_access_to_calls_using_put | PUT /v2/calls/users-access | Give individual users access to calls (/v2/calls/users-access) |
GongAPI::PermissionsApi | create_permission_profile_using_post | POST /v2/permission-profile | Create permission profile (/v2/permission-profile) |
GongAPI::PermissionsApi | delete_users_access_to_calls_using_delete | DELETE /v2/calls/users-access | Remove specific individual users access from calls (/v2/calls/users-access) |
GongAPI::PermissionsApi | get_permission_profile_using_get | GET /v2/permission-profile | Permission profile for a given profile Id (/v2/permission-profile) |
GongAPI::PermissionsApi | get_users_access_to_calls_using_get | GET /v2/calls/users-access | Retrieve users that have specific individual access to calls (/v2/calls/users-access) |
GongAPI::PermissionsApi | list_permission_profile_users_using_get | GET /v2/permission-profile/users | List all users attached to a given permission profile (/v2/permission-profile/users) |
GongAPI::PermissionsApi | list_permission_profile_using_get | GET /v2/all-permission-profiles | List all company permission profiles for a given workspace (/v2/all-permission-profiles) |
GongAPI::PermissionsApi | update_permission_profile_using_put | PUT /v2/permission-profile | Update permission profile (/v2/permission-profile) |
GongAPI::SettingsApi | list_scorecards_using_get | GET /v2/settings/scorecards | Retrieve scorecards details (/v2/settings/scorecards) |
GongAPI::SettingsApi | list_workspaces_using_get | GET /v2/workspaces | List all company workspaces (/v2/workspaces) |
GongAPI::StatsApi | list_answered_scorecards_using_post | POST /v2/stats/activity/scorecards | Retrieve answered scorecards for applicable reviewed users or scorecards for a date range (/v2/stats/activity/scorecards) |
GongAPI::StatsApi | list_interaction_stats_using_post | POST /v2/stats/interaction | Retrieve interaction stats for applicable users by date (/v2/stats/interaction) |
GongAPI::StatsApi | list_multiple_users_aggregate_activity_using_post | POST /v2/stats/activity/aggregate | Retrieve aggregated activity for defined users by date (/v2/stats/activity/aggregate) |
GongAPI::StatsApi | list_multiple_users_aggregate_by_period_using_post | POST /v2/stats/activity/aggregate-by-period | Retrieve aggregated activity for defined users by a date range with grouping in time periods (/v2/stats/activity/aggregate-by-period) |
GongAPI::StatsApi | list_multiple_users_day_by_day_activity_using_post | POST /v2/stats/activity/day-by-day | Retrieve daily activity for applicable users for a date range (/v2/stats/activity/day-by-day) |
GongAPI::UsersApi | get_user_history_using_get | GET /v2/users/{id}/settings-history | Retrieve user history (/v2/users/{id}/settings-history) |
GongAPI::UsersApi | get_user_using_get | GET /v2/users/{id} | Retrieve user (/v2/users/{id}) |
GongAPI::UsersApi | list_multiple_users_using_post | POST /v2/users/extensive | List users by filter (/v2/users/extensive) |
GongAPI::UsersApi | list_users_using_get | GET /v2/users | List all users (/v2/users) |
- GongAPI::Actor
- GongAPI::AggregateActivity
- GongAPI::AggregateActivityWithDates
- GongAPI::Answer
- GongAPI::AnsweredScorecard
- GongAPI::AnsweredScorecards
- GongAPI::AnsweredScorecardsFilter
- GongAPI::AssociationObject
- GongAPI::AsyncProcessingResponse
- GongAPI::BaseResponse
- GongAPI::Call
- GongAPI::CallAccessDetails
- GongAPI::CallAccessWithPermissionLevel
- GongAPI::CallBasicData
- GongAPI::CallCollaboration
- GongAPI::CallContent
- GongAPI::CallContext
- GongAPI::CallInteraction
- GongAPI::CallParticipant
- GongAPI::CallReference
- GongAPI::CallTranscript
- GongAPI::CallTranscripts
- GongAPI::CallUploadContext
- GongAPI::CallUsersAccessDto
- GongAPI::Calls
- GongAPI::CallsAccessDetailsResponse
- GongAPI::CallsAccessGetDto
- GongAPI::CallsFilter
- GongAPI::CallsRequestFilterWithOwners
- GongAPI::CallsResponse
- GongAPI::CallsUsersAccessAddDto
- GongAPI::CallsUsersAccessDeleteDto
- GongAPI::CoachingAccessWithPermissionLevel
- GongAPI::Collaboration
- GongAPI::Comment
- GongAPI::CompanyUsersAggregateActivityResponse
- GongAPI::CompanyUsersIntercationStatsResponse
- GongAPI::Content
- GongAPI::ContentSelector
- GongAPI::ContentSharedEvent
- GongAPI::ContentViewedEvent
- GongAPI::ContextField
- GongAPI::CrmPartyContextField
- GongAPI::CustomActionEvent
- GongAPI::CustomerData
- GongAPI::CustomerDataObject
- GongAPI::CustomerEngagement
- GongAPI::DailyActivityWithDates
- GongAPI::DealsAccessWithPermissionLevel
- GongAPI::DeleteMeetingRequest
- GongAPI::EmailAddressReferences
- GongAPI::EmailMessage
- GongAPI::EmailsAccessWithPermissionLevel
- GongAPI::ErrorResponse
- GongAPI::EventAcceptedResponse
- GongAPI::ExposedFields
- GongAPI::ExternalCallObject
- GongAPI::ExternalCrmCallObject
- GongAPI::ExternalCrmPartyObject
- GongAPI::ExternalPartyObject
- GongAPI::ExternalSystem
- GongAPI::ExternalSystemObject
- GongAPI::ForecastAccessWithPermissionLevel
- GongAPI::GenericCrmIntegration
- GongAPI::GenericCrmRegistrationRequest
- GongAPI::GenericDealStageRequest
- GongAPI::GenericProperty
- GongAPI::GenericSchemaFieldRequest
- GongAPI::GetGenericCrmObjectsResponse
- GongAPI::IdMediaBody
- GongAPI::InsightsAccessWithPermissionLevel
- GongAPI::IntegrationStatusRequest
- GongAPI::IntegrationStatusResponse
- GongAPI::Interaction
- GongAPI::InteractionStat
- GongAPI::InteractionStats
- GongAPI::LibraryCall
- GongAPI::LibraryFolder
- GongAPI::LibraryFolderAccess
- GongAPI::LibraryFolderListOfCallsResponse
- GongAPI::LibraryResponse
- GongAPI::LineErrorResponse
- GongAPI::ListGenericCrmIntegrationsResponse
- GongAPI::ListSelectedFieldsResponse
- GongAPI::LogEntry
- GongAPI::LogsResponse
- GongAPI::ManualAssociationResponse
- GongAPI::ManualAssociationsBasicData
- GongAPI::MapUsersBody
- GongAPI::Media
- GongAPI::Meeting
- GongAPI::MeetingInvitee
- GongAPI::MeetingsErrorResponse
- GongAPI::Monologue
- GongAPI::MultipleUsersRequestWithCreationDates
- GongAPI::MultipleUsersWithDates
- GongAPI::NewCallAddingRequest
- GongAPI::NewCallAddingResponse
- GongAPI::NewCallRecordingResponse
- GongAPI::NewMeetingRequest
- GongAPI::NewMeetingResponse
- GongAPI::ObjectEntitiesBody
- GongAPI::Occurrences
- GongAPI::Party
- GongAPI::PartyContext
- GongAPI::PartyContextField
- GongAPI::PartyUploadContext
- GongAPI::PermissionProfileDTO
- GongAPI::PermissionProfileResponse
- GongAPI::PermissionProfileUsersResponse
- GongAPI::PermissionProfilesResponse
- GongAPI::PhoneNumberReferences
- GongAPI::PointOfInterest
- GongAPI::PointsOfInterest
- GongAPI::Question
- GongAPI::Questions
- GongAPI::Records
- GongAPI::RegisterGenericCrmResponse
- GongAPI::RequestAnsweredScorecardsFilter
- GongAPI::RequestCallsAccessGetDto
- GongAPI::RequestCallsFilter
- GongAPI::RequestCallsRequestFilterWithOwnersContentSelector
- GongAPI::RequestMultipleUsersRequestWithCreationDates
- GongAPI::RequestMultipleUsersWithDates
- GongAPI::RequestStatusResponse
- GongAPI::RequestWithTimePeriodMultipleUsersWithDates
- GongAPI::SchemaUpdateResponse
- GongAPI::Scorecard
- GongAPI::Scorecards
- GongAPI::Sentence
- GongAPI::Settings
- GongAPI::SettingsHistory
- GongAPI::Sharer
- GongAPI::Snippet
- GongAPI::Speaker
- GongAPI::SpeakersTimeline
- GongAPI::SpecificCall
- GongAPI::SpeechSegment
- GongAPI::SpokenLanguage
- GongAPI::Structure
- GongAPI::Topic
- GongAPI::Tracker
- GongAPI::TrackerPhrases
- GongAPI::UpdateMeetingRequest
- GongAPI::UpdateMeetingResponse
- GongAPI::User
- GongAPI::UserAccessDetails
- GongAPI::UserActivity
- GongAPI::UserAggregateByPeriodActivities
- GongAPI::UserDayByDayActivity
- GongAPI::UserIntegrationStatus
- GongAPI::UserMetadata
- GongAPI::UserSettingsHistory
- GongAPI::UserSimpleMetadata
- GongAPI::UsersAggregateByPeriodActivity
- GongAPI::UsersDayByDayActivity
- GongAPI::UsersMetadata
- GongAPI::Video
- GongAPI::WorkspaceMetadata
- GongAPI::WorkspacesMetadata
All endpoints do not require authorization.