One place to launch any connection, link, script, reference, or application. Uses SecureCRT for SSH and Serial connections.
Microsoft Windows
Java Runtime Environment
In the "jar" folder you'll find "LaunchPad.jar". If you run it outside of "%SystemDrive%\LaunchPad", it will copy itself to "%SystemDrive%\LaunchPad" and add a link to the Desktop.
Optionally create a shortcut like so:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath\javaw.exe" -jar "%SystemDrive%\LaunchPad\LaunchPad.jar"
The properties file is located here:
Within the properties file, are all the resources to customize LaunchPad.
*** Be sure to escape your characters if needed. ***
Consider using "cmd.exe /c start" (or similar) to execute items within Button, Link, Reference, and Script sections.