Easy to use serial monitor with fancy features like writing data into charts or tables
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Application is built with electron-react-typescript-tailwindcss stack.
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- Tailwindcss (for styleing the UI): more about
I basic state monitor works as usuall serial monitor but in additian you can add a tabs with different names and types.
Matěj Křenek - [email protected]
Project Link: https://github.com/matejkrenek/serial-monitor
Sometimes, when you write several messages in a row to the serial monitor, they may overlap and thus the serial monitor will evaluate them poorly, especially in the case of sending commands. Because of this, it is necessary to pay attention to a sufficient time delay between writing to the serial monitor.
The idea of the serial monitor with tabs and partially the appearance of the application was stolen from this repo:
I was struggling with proper implementation of react-electron-typescript stack and publishing the application. This github repo helped a lot in this area: