A team-based word guessing game for 4+ players. Intended for use over video conferencing.
- Python 3.6+
- Twilio Account
- Free trial account is sufficient, but you will have to pre-register every spymaster number.
- Ubuntu 18.04+ or Windows 10
- Follow steps in Run the Code.
- Gather phone numbers of players. NOTE: This is optional but helps speed up game setup.
- Start/join a video conference with players. I recommend https://meet.jit.si/.
- Share your screen.
- Decide who will be the first spy master for each team and enter each spy master's phone number when prompted in the console. Each spy master will receive a SMS message with the grid key for the game.
- Verify the spy masters received the messages. Use the in-game capability to resend if needed.
- Once both spy masters have the grid key, the game board will draw on screen (this is why one person needs to share their screen).
- Click on each word that is chosen. In a physical game, you might required the desired card to be touched. In a video conference you can ask the team to say "final answer" or something like that before you click the word.
- The game runs in a loop so once the first game ends, pick new spy masters and play again.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine.
git clone https://github.com/marve/monikers.git
Must have installed python with tkinter included!