This is a presentation about the history of CSS, how it came to be a thing, what it replaced, and how it has evolved.
The content of the slides is my own work, the presentation is built using svelte-slides which makes use of:
You'll need pnpm, which can be installed using npm: npm install -g pnpm
Run pnpm install
to get all the necessary dependencies, then pnpm dev
to start a local webserver with HMR.
To build the presentation for a production deployment run pnpm build
which outputs to /dist
To preview the site in /dist
run pnpm preview
- Each slide is both a Svelte component and Reveal.js slide.
- There can be one or more slides (using
) within a single Svelte component. - The slides are stored under
... - And are imported into the
You can customize the Reveal.js
setup in src/config.js
You can insert code blocks using template literals inside <pre>
and <code>
<h1>This is a sample slide</h1>
<h2>Sample code</h2>
<code data-line-numbers data-trim data-no-escape>
const name = "hello world";
if(name === 'hello') {
The slide order is the order in which you layout your Svelte components.
import Title from './slides/Title.svelte';
import Love from './slides/Love.svelte';
import GettingStarted from './slides/GettingStarted.svelte';
const partner = ['Svelte', 'Reveal.js'];
<Love {partner}/>
A component for slide with all the options supported
<Slide bgColor="red">
<h1>This is a sample slide</h1>
Please refer to src/lib/Slide.svelte for more information about the props.
A component to render code blocks
<Code trim={true} lineNumbers="1|2-4" >
const name = "hello world";
if(name === 'hello') {
Please refer to /src/lib/Code.svelte for more information about the props.
A component for speaker notes
Hello Everyone, I am using svelte-slides for this presentation
A component embedding YouTube videos
<Youtube url=""/>
Please refer to /src/lib/Youtube.svelte for more information about the props.