- This uses wait-for-it.sh
Run the following commands to getwait-for-it
repository. (Addedwait-for-it
as git submodule.)
git pull && git submodule init && git submodule update
FROM node:8.11.3
FROM node:8.11.3-alpine
- Environment Variables for
Name | Description |
PORT | application port |
DB_HOST | MySQL host |
DB_USER | MySQL username (must have alter permission) |
DB_PASSWORD | MySQL password |
DB_DATABASE | Database name |
NODE_ENV | sails js environment mode (production, development , alterdb). 'alterdb' by default to create tables. )O- O)\ |
- Ports
- api server
# build the containers, start it in de-attached mode. (runs in background).
docker-compose up --build -d
# list all (including stopped) containers, it should contain
# `todo-nodejs` and `todo-nodejs-mariadb`
docker container ls -a
# list running containers
docker ps
# destroy container and volume
docker-compose down -v
# destroy image
docker image rm <SHA>
# start or stop a container
docker container start <CONTAINER_NAME>
docker container stop <CONTAINER_NAME>
Create a data directory in your host system. example:
It can also be/var/lib/mysql
will be mounted to the container as/var/lib/mysql
https://hub.docker.com/_/mariadb/ (Caveats, Where to Store Data Section)