Fruitdeeps is an easy-to-use overhit damage per second calculator for the popular MMO Oldschool Runescape (OSRS). OSRS presents complex combinatoric optimization problems that are not simple to solve, but fruitdeeps allows users to interface with these problems very quickly
Fruitdeeps is very easy to run locally.
In a command line, run the following commands:
Clone the repo
git clone
Install packages
npm i
Run the dev server
npm run dev
That's it! Fruitdeeps should be available locally at http://localhost:3000
Fruitdeeps pulls item info from a maintained version of osrs-box located at
Npc info is scraped from the wiki using the py package mw-parser
To update items, simply navigate to the fruitdeeps/
folder and run the following command:
node importstuff/itempopulate.js
To update Npcs, run the following two commands
python importstuff/
node importstuff/npcpopulate.js
You may need to install python packages to run the python script. Also, you will likely need to be in module mode. To switch to module mode, open the file package.json
and add
"type": "module"