This is quite similar to Emacs' compile-mode
although much simpler.
allows you to specify specific commands/lua functions to
compile, run and test software in your favorite language.
To learn more install the plugin and inspect its global table:
:lua print(vim.inspect(Compile))
--- These are the default options! feel free to just use an empty table here, or just override the ones you need
require 'compile'.setup{
save_on_compile = false,
comp_window_height = 20,
bindings = {
build = '<C-c><C-b>',
run = '<C-c><C-c>',
test = '<C-c><C-t>',
language_commands = {},
These are the commands that will be searched for the 3 actions the plugin provides:
: build and runbuild
: only buildtest
: build and run test
The command is either a string or a lua function, if it is a function it is run and its return type (must be a string) is used as a command. The plugin has the following search order for its compile_command:
- Buffer local:
b:compile_cmd_X='my command'
is eitherrun
- Plugin table: This is the
table, this should be your preferred method of setting commands - Global:
g:compile_cmd_X='my command'
is eitherrun
local get_comp_cmd_c = function(sub_cmd)
local cmd = 'make'
-- Use neovim's API to explore filesystem and discover
-- the type of project, this is just a lua function feel
-- free to do as you wish. Here we will assume a simple Makefile
-- as an example
cmd = ('%s %s'):format(cmd, sub_cmd)
return cmd
require 'compile'.setup {
language_commands = {
['odin'] = {
build = 'odin build .',
run = 'odin run .',
test = 'odin test .',
['zig'] = {
build = 'zig build',
run = 'zig build run',
test = 'zig build test',
['c'] = {
build = function() return get_comp_cmd_c('all') end,
run = function() return get_comp_cmd_c('run') end,
test = function() return get_comp_cmd_c('test') end,