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a few mods on simulations and a typo correction
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respatte committed Sep 21, 2020
1 parent 6371494 commit 9fd9817
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Showing 20 changed files with 177 additions and 4,114 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion analysis_structure.Rmd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ data.sims <- tibble(lab_id = sample(1:20, 250, replace = T)) %>%

We first produce some diagnostic plots. We then define the full Bayesian model against which null models will be compared. Finally we address the two research questions: do infants in the social condition choose preferably the helper character, and does preference for either character change with age.

## Diqgnostic plots
## Diagnostic plots

We can first check how infants in the two conditions performed in general depending on their age.

Expand Down
183 changes: 176 additions & 7 deletions quick_run.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
t <- proc.time()
plan(multiprocess, workers = 8) # Adapt to the number of cores you want to use
Expand All @@ -10,8 +10,9 @@ source("geom_flat_violin.R")
n_labs <- 15
infants_by_lab <- 32
n_infants <- n_labs * infants_by_lab
age_min <- 165
age_max <- 320
age_min <- 167
age_max <- 319
pr_helper <- 0.64
pr_helper_mean <- 0.64 # From Margoni & Surian 2018 (estimated true effect size)
diff_pr_helper <- pr_helper_mean - .5
pr_helper_sd <- 0.1 # From Margoni & Surian 2018 (CI*sqrt(mean(N))/Z(95))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -49,7 +50,7 @@ save_path <- "simulation_results/raw_age/"
# save bf, parameter estimates, and HPDIs, to csv
# Running the models takes several hours
n_sims <- 8
run_models <- T
run_models <- F
print("Initialise raw_age")
## Initialise filenames for estimates and bf
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -128,7 +129,7 @@ save_path <- "simulation_results/scaled_age/"
# save bf, parameter estimates, and HPDIs, to csv
# Running the models takes several hours
n_sims <- 8
run_models <- T
run_models <- F
print("Initialise scaled_age")
## Initialise filenames for estimates and bf
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -207,7 +208,7 @@ save_path <- "simulation_results/null_age/"
# save bf, parameter estimates, and HPDIs, to csv
# Running the models takes several hours
n_sims <- 8
run_models <- T
run_models <- F
print("Initialise null_age")
## Initialise filenames for estimates and bf
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -264,7 +265,7 @@ save_path <- "simulation_results/true_null/"
# save bf, parameter estimates, and HPDIs, to csv
# Running the models takes several hours
n_sims <- 8
run_models <- T
run_models <- F
print("Initialise true_null")
## Initialise filenames for estimates and bf
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -322,6 +323,174 @@ if(run_models){
bf %>% enframe(name = NULL, value = "b.value") %>%
write_csv(, append = file.exists(

# Bayesian power analysis ==========================================================================
save_path <- "simulation_results/control/"
# Running all the models takes days, and saves Bayes factors for later use
run_models <- T
n_sims <- 1000
# Control simulations
n_infants <- 10
diff_helper <- pr_helper - .5
## Initial control dataset
df.ctrl <- tibble(lab_id = sample(1:n_labs, n_infants, replace = T) %>% as_factor(),
age_days = sample(age_min:age_max, n_infants, replace = T),
z_age_days = scale(age_days),
condition = rep(c("non-social", "social"), each = n_infants/2),
chose_helper = rbinom(n_infants, 1,
mean = .5 + diff_helper*(condition=="social"),
sd = pr_helper_sd)))
## Control priors
priors.ctrl.H1 <- c(set_prior("normal(0, .1)",
class = "Intercept"),
set_prior("normal(0, .5)",
class = "b"),
set_prior("normal(.5753641, .1)", # From Margoni & Surian, through logit
class = "b", coef = "conditionsocial"),
set_prior("student_t(3, 0, 2)",
class = "sd"))
priors.ctrl.H0 <- c(set_prior("normal(0, .1)",
class = "Intercept"),
set_prior("normal(0, .5)",
class = "b"),
set_prior("student_t(3, 0, 2)",
class = "sd"))
## Control models
model.ctrl.H1 <- brm(chose_helper ~ 1 + condition + z_age_days +
(1 + condition + z_age_days | lab_id),
data = df.ctrl,
family = bernoulli,
prior = priors.ctrl.H1,
iter = 10000,
future = T,
save_all_pars = T,
control = list(adapt_delta = .9999,
max_treedepth = 20))
model.ctrl.H0 <- brm(chose_helper ~ 1 + z_age_days +
(1 + z_age_days | lab_id),
data = df.ctrl,
family = bernoulli,
prior = priors.ctrl.H0,
iter = 10000,
future = T,
save_all_pars = T,
control = list(adapt_delta = .9999,
max_treedepth = 20))
## Define main simulation function
sim.ctrl <- function(seed, n_infants){
### Generate dataset
df <- tibble(lab_id = sample(1:n_labs, n_infants, replace = T) %>% as_factor(),
age_days = sample(age_min:age_max, n_infants, replace = T),
z_age_days = scale(age_days),
condition = rep(c("non-social", "social"), each = n_infants/2),
chose_helper = rbinom(n_infants, 1,
mean = .5 + diff_helper*(condition=="social"),
sd = pr_helper_sd)))
### Run models
m.H1 <- update(model.ctrl.H1, newdata = df, seed = seed)
m.H0 <- update(model.ctrl.H0, newdata = df, seed = seed)
### Bridge sample
bridge.H1 <- bridge_sampler(m.H1, silent = T)
bridge.H0 <- bridge_sampler(m.H0, silent = T)
### Bayes factor
bf <- bayes_factor(bridge.H1, bridge.H0)$bf
# No-control simulations
## Initial no-control dataset
df.noctrl <- tibble(lab_id = sample(1:n_labs, n_infants, replace = T) %>% as_factor(),
age_days = sample(age_min:age_max, n_infants, replace = T),
z_age_days = scale(age_days),
chose_helper = rbinom(n_infants, 1,
mean = pr_helper,
sd = pr_helper_sd)))
## No-control priors
priors.noctrl.H1 <- c(set_prior("normal(.5753641, .1)", # From Margoni & Surian, through logit
class = "Intercept"),
set_prior("normal(0, .5)",
class = "b"),
set_prior("student_t(3, 0, 2)",
class = "sd"))
priors.noctrl.H0 <- c(set_prior("normal(0, .5)",
class = "b"),
set_prior("student_t(3, 0, 2)",
class = "sd"))
## No-control models
model.noctrl.H1 <- brm(chose_helper ~ 1 + z_age_days +
(1 + z_age_days | lab_id),
data = df.noctrl,
family = bernoulli,
prior = priors.noctrl.H1,
iter = 10000,
future = T,
save_all_pars = T,
control = list(adapt_delta = .9999,
max_treedepth = 20))
model.noctrl.H0 <- brm(chose_helper ~ 0 + z_age_days +
(0 + z_age_days | lab_id),
data = df.noctrl,
family = bernoulli,
prior = priors.noctrl.H0,
iter = 10000,
future = T,
save_all_pars = T,
control = list(adapt_delta = .9999,
max_treedepth = 20))
## Define main simulation function
sim.noctrl <- function(seed, n_infants){
### Generate dataset
df <- tibble(lab_id = sample(1:n_labs, n_infants, replace = T) %>% as_factor(),
age_days = sample(age_min:age_max, n_infants, replace = T),
z_age_days = scale(age_days),
chose_helper = rbinom(n_infants, 1,
mean = pr_helper,
sd = pr_helper_sd)))
### Run models
m.H1 <- update(model.noctrl.H1, newdata = df, seed = seed)
m.H0 <- update(model.noctrl.H0, newdata = df, seed = seed)
### Bridge sample
bridge.H1 <- bridge_sampler(m.H1, silent = T)
bridge.H0 <- bridge_sampler(m.H0, silent = T)
### Bayes factor
bf <- bayes_factor(bridge.H1, bridge.H0)$bf
# Run all simulations
## Dichotomic search function
search.dichotomy <- function(, sim.type, n_min, n_max, pwr_goal = .8){
n <- (n_min + n_max) %/% 2
print(paste0("Dichotomic search: n=", n))
filename <- paste0(save_path, "bf_", sim.type, "_", n, ".csv")
n_previous <- ifelse(file.exists(filename), length(read_lines(filename)) - 1, 0)
bfs <- future_map_dbl(n_previous + 1:n_sims, possibly(, NA),
n_infants = n*10, alt = str_detect(sim.type, "alt"),
.progress = T)
bfs %>% enframe(name = NULL, value = "b.value") %>%
write_csv(filename, append = file.exists(filename))
pwr <- sum(bfs > 3, na.rm = T)/n_sims
if(pwr < pwr_goal){
n_min <- n
n_max <- n
if(n_max - n_min <= 1){break}
n <- (n_min + n_max) %/% 2
## Start search for control and no-control
n_infants_crit.ctrl <-search.dichotomy(sim.ctrl, "ctrl", 30, 61)
n_infants_crit.noctrl <- search.dichotomy(sim.noctrl, "no-ctrl", 10, 31)

t <- proc.time() - t
9 changes: 0 additions & 9 deletions simulations_results/control/bf_ctrl_33.csv

This file was deleted.

109 changes: 0 additions & 109 deletions simulations_results/control/bf_ctrl_45.csv

This file was deleted.


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