This bundle was made based on Sulu workshop. I made it to quickly install the possibility to manage events in my projects. This bundle is still in development. Use at own risk π€π»
Install the package with:
composer require manuxi/sulu-event-bundle
If you're not using Symfony Flex, you'll also
need to add the bundle in your config/bundles.php
return [
Manuxi\SuluEventBundle\SuluEventBundle::class => ['all' => true],
Please add the following to your routes_admin.yaml
resource: '@SuluEventBundle/Resources/config/routes_admin.yml'
Last but not least the entity tables must be created in the database. The tables which will be created are
app_location, app_event_translation, app_event_seo_translation, app_event_seo and app_event
See the needed queries with:
php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --dump-sql
Execute the queries above with:
php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force
After granting the rights in the sulu admin area you should be able to create locations and events. use smart_content property type to show a list of events, e.g.:
<block name="smart-content-events" default-type="smart-content-events">
<type name="smart-content-events">
<property name="events" type="smart_content">
<title lang="en">Events</title>
<title lang="de">Veranstaltungen</title>
<param name="provider" value="events"/>
<param name="max_per_page" value="5"/>
<param name="page_parameter" value="page"/>
Example of the corresponding twig template for the event list:
{% for event in events %}
<div class="col">
{{ event.title }}
{{ event.startDate|format_datetime('full', 'none', locale=app.request.getLocale()) }}
{% if endDate and startDate != endDate %}
- {{ event.endDate|format_datetime('full', 'none', locale=app.request.getLocale()) }}
{% endif %}
{{ event.teaser|raw }}
<a class="btn btn-primary" href="{{ event.routePath }}" role="button">
{{ "Read more..."|trans }} <i class="fa fa-angle-double-right"></i>
{% endfor %}
At the moment the template for the single event is located here
There exists no configuration yet. I'm on it :)
For the sake of simplicity this extension was kept small. Please feel comfortable submitting issues or pull requests. As always I'd be glad to get your feedback to improve the extension :).