This is an implementation of an HTTP server that listens for requests to temporarily toggle specified pins. Uses two external libraries, specified in the code.
- Ethercard library for communicating through Ethernet
- A tailored version of Cryptosuite used for authentication
This authentication procedure is greatly based on the work by Robert Lord in his post Hashes, Nonces, and Replay Attacks on the Arduino as well as Unlocking Hacker School with a Text but re-purposed to use the Ethercard library and multiple doors.
In order to open the door, a POST request needs to be made to the following URL
: the hostname or IP of our Arduino serverNONCE
: a positive integer that is higher than the last used nonceDOOR_NR
: the door number we want to open (0 for the first one)HASH
: the computed HMAC-SHA-256 of the nonce using an established password as key
Possible responses are:
- 200 OK: after correctly opening the requested door.
- 400 Bad Request: if the used nonce is smaller than the last one used correctly. Returns in the body the next available nonce.
- 401 Unauthorized: if the nonce is correct, but the hash is not (bad password).
- 404 Not Found: if the number of door given is higher than the maximum doors registered.
- 418 I'm a teapot: if the request sent is larger than the buffer (600 bytes).
- 420 Enhance Your Calm: if a request is sent while the door is being signaled.
- Develop a better authentication mechanism, since attacks are still possible if somebody sniffs the traffic. If the device is restarted then the nonce counter is reset to 0 and a past request can be used.
- Investigate what happens if the Arduino stays awake for too long.