- Web Design in 4 Minutes LINK
- 7 Steps to Become a UI/UX Designer LINK
- Learn Design Code LINK
- How to Refactor your UI LINK
- UX In Contact Forms: Essentials To Turn Leads Into Conversions LINK
- ColorMind LINK (pro-tip. Pick the middle color based on your theme. Lock it and use the generator to create two complementary color, a white, and a black for your site)
- Fun snippets to up your CSS game. LINK
- Stop your footer from floating. LINK
- A guide to Flexbox fundamentals. LINK
- Git Cheatsheet - Oh Shit Git! LINK
- RESTful API Design Best Practices LINK
- Rails Cheatsheet - Oh Shit Rails! LINK
- Summary of RoR Fundamental Concepts LINK
- How to use Action Cable w/Rails 5 LINK
- Modern Front-End in Rails LINK
- Create More Secure Passwords in RoR LINK
- HTTP Requests in Rails Applications LINK
- Understanding the Params Hash LINK
- Top 10 Ruby on Rails Errors LINK
- How to Create a Simple Search with the Simple_form Gem LINK
- Testing for Beginners LINK
- 7 Design Patterns to Refactor MVC Components in Rails LINK
- Do Things that Don't Scale: LINK
- The Key To Accelerating Your Coding Skills LINK
- Programming Sucks (but why i still love it) LINK
- Pitch Decks of Unicorn Startups LINK
- AI That Predicts What You're going to Draw LINK