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David González edited this page Jul 31, 2016 · 1 revision


Your task as Android Developer is to write all the UI tests needed to check if the Application UI is working as it should.

This repository is ready to build the application, pass the checkstyle and your tests in Travis-CI environments.

Our recommendation for this exercise is:

  • Before starting

    1. Fork this repository.
    2. Checkout kata-super-heroes branch.
    3. Execute the application, explore it manually and make yourself familiar with the code.
    4. Execute SuperHeroesActivityTest and watch the only test it contains pass.
  • To help you get started, these are some test cases for SuperHeroesActivity:

    1. Setup mocked SuperHeroesRepository in SuperHeroesActivityTest to return a list of some Super Heroes.
    2. Test that RecyclerView is listing the correct number of elements when SuperHeroesRepository returns a list of some Super Heroes.
    3. Test that each of this elements contains the correct Super Hero name.

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