WordPress theme for blog.makotokw.com.
- Created by _s
- Inspired Twenty Fifteen, ghost and medium
- Font Awesome Icons
- google-code-prettify
- Headroom.js
- Notyf
- Tippy.js
- clipboard.js
- AmazonJS Plugin
- GitHub Flavored Markdown for WordPress Plugin
- Twitter Card
- Facebook Open Graph Protocol
- Tested on PHP 7.4 ONLY by makotokw for kwLog
- Some styles are depend on posts on kwLog
- Used
for kwLog - No sidebar, No widgets
- Unsupported post formats
- Not implement for Comment Form (I use Jetpack Comment)
Unfortunately, I did NOT design for purpose that others use. So, please use a reference of one implementation for WordPress theme.
cd /path/to/wordpress/wp-content/themes
git clone https://github.com/makotokw/wp-theme-makotokw.git makotokw2021
cd makotokw2021
cp -p config.php.sample config.php
cd /path/to/wordpress/wp-content/themes/makotokw2021
yarn install
yarn run build
- GPL v2