This is a python script that extracts data from E-trade exported files to help with the Swedish tax declaration.
Installing and managing Python Create a new virtual environment with for your supported Python version. Within that virtualenv:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
The transactions folder should contain Gains & Losses as well as Benefit History exported from E-trade
- Export Gains & Losses: Go to Work -> My account -> Gains & Losses -> click Download (expanded)
- Do this for all tax years you're interested in. Or since the start of your current grants
- Export Benefit History Go to Work -> My account -> Benefit History -> click Download (expanded)
Export your payslips as pdf:s
These files should be places in a directory of your choosing, referred to as transactions_folder
You can order them in subfolders by year if you want to to keep track of these documents over time.
python transactions_folder
- import the exported xlsx file to sheets to view it.
- You can now copy paste as values to any tax sheet that you may be using to calculate taxes