We think that a project structure works best for us. Ideally, we could work with a local nonprofit or small business to do data projects they would not otherwise have the resources for, but think would be helpful. We want to mindful that we aren't creating work for the organizations, though.
- Machine learning and statistics
- Modeling in R
- LOTS of data visualization!
- htmlwidgets
- extensions
- mapping in R
- open source contributing
- blogging and basic web development
- R and RStudio
- Git and GitHub (and GitHub pages)
- Atom/Sublime text
- Python
- QGIS (and other open source mapping)
- Tableau
- Markdown
- Have alumni and local data scientists join us to discuss their work and ideas
- One member volunteers to share a new technique/project/viz/idea for 15-30 minutes to keep us learning!
- Work sessions
- Reading/book club
- Weapons of math destruction
- FiveThirtyEight articles
- Everydata
- Nathan Yau books
- R open source books