This is the first of five practical examinations carried out as part of the course 'Introduction to Programming' at Pforzheim University in the Summer term of 2020.
Over the course of the semester, students are grouped in teams of two and asked to complete various tasks related to object-oriented programming.
Our team, consisting of Lukas Gabriel and Cedric Jansen, chose GitHub for Version Control to make collaboration easier. Now that we passed all five examinations, we want to share our code with other students of later semesters who might be faced with similar tasks.
The learning objective of Testat #1 is as follows: "[The students] know first Java basics and can program a short procedural process in Java."
While Tasks One to Three are of theoretical nature, Task Four requires the students to implement a simple command-line application in Java called 'Virus Calculator': The application takes four arguments:
- The number of infected people at the start of the calculation,
- the number of weeks the calculation has to run,
- the weekly increase of infections in percent and
- the mortality rate for this disease in percent.
The complete task description can be found in 'Testat_1.pdf'
We implemented these functions in Java (src\testat\pkg1\pkg319191\ and Python (etc\
A sample query might look like this:
100 26 5.5 3.5
And produce the following output in both versions of the program:
Viruscalculator will calculate with 100 persons at start and run for 26 weeks with an increase of infections of 25.5% and a mortality of 3.5%:
Week Infections Deaths
1 100 4
2 125 4
3 158 6
4 198 7
5 248 9
6 311 11
7 391 14
8 490 17
9 615 22
10 772 27
11 969 34
12 1216 43
13 1527 53
14 1916 67
15 2404 84
16 3018 106
17 3787 133
18 4753 166
19 5965 209
20 7486 262
21 9395 329
22 11790 413
23 14797 518
24 18570 650
25 23305 816
26 29248 1024
Our submission was graded with 5.75 out of 6 possible points.